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Stopping in front of the house that had soft white walls and a porch where white roses grew out the front with nice green grass and to the left you could see the stables in the distance with the paddocks looking a bit damp after all the snow had finally melted. Looking over at Alex who fidgeted with his hands, I had managed to convince him to meet my parents and I knew it would be a lot different for him as he had two idea of a family, his and mine. He had made me change to look nice which meant just wearing black pants and my maroon hoodie, he wore his white sweater and black pants with a soft grey scarf around his neck and had a charcoal coat over his lap, it had taken a while to get him to stay on a outfit and in the end I ended up just dragging him out once he was changed.

"They'll love you" I reassured as we got out and approached the door, wrapping my arm around him and he smiled slightly and leaned into me.

"So who's going to be here?" He asked.

"There's going to me my mother and father than my sister Amy and her boyfriend Tim and my two brothers Adam and Simon plus simon friend who we actually think is his boyfriend Justin" I explained before knocking on the door, "also my father might be a little scary since he is a police captain"

"He's a police captain!" He whisper yelled but immediately made the anger vanish when my mother answered the door.

"Honey! Your home! Oh come here" she beamed as she yanked me into a tight hug and I smiled hugging her back, she was a short lady and only came up to my chest with soft blonde hair and still looked young.

"Ma this is my boyfriend Alex" I smiled when I pulled away and somehow her smile grew.

"Oh my god he's beautiful!" She beamed as she hugged him and he laughed softly hugging her back and when she pulled back she dragged him inside with me following, "Peter! Come greet your son!"

"I'm coming!" He called and my father came into the open farm house, he was a few inches taller than myself with brown hair like me but was getting greys though it and Alex clearly was happy with the handshake.

"Where's the two idiots" I questioned.

"Out the back riling the damn dog up" he huffed and Alex followed me outside where Simon was chasing the dog back and forth across the yard as Adam sat on the fence to the paddocks beside Tim and Justin.

"Will!" My little brother beamed as he ran over and he was only on 20 so 4 years younger and 5 for Alex, the male hugged me as the other three came over.

"Hey bud" I smiled when he pulled away, "this is my boyfriend Alex" I introduced him and after everyone had introduced themself they went back to what they were doing.

"So you grew up here?" He questioned as we sat on one of the fences as he watched three of the horses run around with each other, "it's peaceful.."

"Yeh" I smiled as one of the horses came over and he moved closer to me, it was one of the taller ones with a soft chestnut coat, "it's alright, just put your hand out"

"What you mean" he panicked as I took his hand and put it out with mine and the horse rubbed it head against it and he smiled as I removed my hand, "it's so cute"

"This one's mine, his names poet" I smiled as I hopped off the fence and went beside it where I rubbed his side before pulling myself up and onto its bare back.

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