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Sitting in the office at home while reading through an email, yawning as I lifted the cup of coffee to my lips while staring numbingly at the words but not actually soaking them in. Alex was somewhere in the apartment and I felt like he was doing something seeing as he was dead silent making me feel intrigued. Standing up as I headed out of the room as I found the male on the couch in just my hoodie and boxers as he scrolled through his phone.

"Will. Just because you get to work at home today because of me doesn't mean you don't work" he reminded me as I walked over.

"But how can I when you look like that" I mumbled while climbing onto him as I kissed along his neck.

"Will. Work or no sex" he warned as he tangled a hand in my hair as he used it to yank my head back as I stared at him with hooded eyes while letting out a heavy breath, I wasn't sure why but on the rare occasion the he was dominant it made me even more turned on.

"How much work do I have to do?" I questioned.

"All of it" he hummed as he used his knee to press up into the dent in my pants.

"But that's so much" I huffed as I wrapped my legs around his one and grinded along it with a soft moan, "it hurts..."

"Will. If you don't go into the office and work then we're going to have problems" he warned and I backed away before standing up.

"Mean" I glared.

"I'm fine with making sure you don't get fired" he shrugged.

Going back into our office as I sat down at my desk as Alex one was behind it for when he had to work, trying to focus so the hard-on would go down but I caved and I slid my hand under the elastics of my shorts. The male had been behind me since he'd came in here to get a book and reached over before grabbing my wrist and yanking my hand away as I let out a drawn out groan of frustration.

"Work" he hummed before sliding into my lap as he purposely sat more on my thigh instead as he leaned back against the armrest with his legs over the other.

Going into my actual work as I slowly managed to focus onto it as the male combed a hand through my hair making me sometimes close my eyes and leaned back through he would only remove it.

"Why are you punishing me?" I frowned.

"You said that it would be nice to try this out, this is your fault" he shrugged, to be fair I had mentioned wanting to try edging but I didn't think he'd go this far and it was a bit frustrating but I knew it would be rewarding in the end.

"Please..." I mumbled while burying my face into his chest, "I got half of it done..."

"Okay then do the other half" he shrugged before guiding me away before standing up and leaving, we did reason if we weren't enjoying it than we did have a codeword just like when having normal vanilla sex.

Focusing back on my work as time ticked by before it was finally done at 1pm as I had done a bit last night, standing up as I ventured off to find the male who was writing a grocery list as I came up behind him and snaked my arms around his waist.

"I'm done" I smiled as I nuzzle his neck.

"Good since we need to go grocery shopping, get your shoes on" he hummed, unfazed.

"But you said..." I frowned.

"Yeh well another thing on this grocery list is lube so if we don't go now then you ain't getting nothing" he shrugged.

"Fine" I grumbled as he grabbed his glasses and put pants before we put our shoes on and headed out, Driving for him as I reached over and slid my hand onto his thigh as he rested his own over mine, it didn't take us long for us to get to the store and I interlocked our fingers with his as we walked.

"I swear to God if you weren't such a horny person we wouldn't have to get lube so often.." he mumbled as he put it in the basket after grabbing the one he liked and I followed behind while holding his hand as I had no idea what we needed.

"You make me like that.." I grinned, "plus you would say no if you wanted..."

"Yeh but I'm still gonna complain" he shrugged as I rolled my eyes as he put fruit into our basket.

"Ooo let's get snacks" I beamed as I dragged him down a different aisle as I looked at them as he ticked things off as I grabbed 3 packets of gummy bears making him look at me unimpressed, "I'll share" I reasoned

After getting the rest of the stuff we needed we headed home as I dived onto the couch with one of the packets of gummy bears as the male went into the bathroom making me perk up at the sound of the shower as I quickly abandoned my gummy bears. The male was hiding behind the door and shut I when I came in as I looked at him half worried half scared.

"We are shaving those damn stubbles along your jaw if you like it or not" he glared as I sat down onto the toilet.

"But I thought you liked them" I frowned as he grabbed the shaving cream and I didn't mind since it meant I got the perfect view of the male shirtless while focusing on me.

"Yes but there prickly especially when you rub your face on my thighs and ass..." he hummed as I wrapped my arms around him before letting him sit on my right thigh while facing me with his legs between mine.

He carefully ran the razor along my skin as I stared at his chest which it was completely smooth like the males legs unlike mine and I had light hair on my chest though the male liked the feeling of having smooth skin. He wiped my face before making sure he didn't miss anything before pecking my cheek and standing up as he approached the shower while sliding his pants and boxers off as I admired him while standing up. Stepping into the shower after stripping as I quickly huddled to him as my arms came around him while leaning back against the shower wall so he didn't have to lean on the cold tiles but my warm body.

"Do you want me to wash your hair?" I offered while kissing the side of his head and I let it linger there.

"Yeah..." he hummed.

"I love you so much" I smiled as I kissed his forehead while combing my hands through his soaking hair.

The end

Of course if you guys want extra chapters in different universes when there together but please be aware if I'm uncomfortable with doing it I'll let you know so don't worry about asking!

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