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(Little bit of fluff ❤️)

Will when Alex is sick

Yawning as I wrapped my arms around the male as he was clearly comfortable since he was sprawled out, taking up half the bed as I had my head on his shoulder while leaning into his side as the canine took up the end of the bed (I think I named it bingo). Groaning was heard from above me as the male clearly didn't wanna get up and I rolled off him as he sat up, rubbing his head making me worried.

"Why did we decide to play in the snow at night..." He sniffled, clearly sick as he somehow got sick a lot easier than I did.

"Actually you played in the snow and when I tried to help you up you pulled me down with you" I reminded him with a soft laugh as I sat up beside him, kissing his shoulder "want some soup?.."

"I want a bath.." he sighed and I nodded before sliding out of bed and starting a bath for him, since the male got sick more often he usually didn't have it as bad as me as when I got sick he explained it as 'your like a old man who has back problems had a child with a snotty and dying actor in a sitcom'.

I soon helped him go the bath as I headed into the kitchen as I started to make some soup for him as I hummed happily. He soon came out in a loose white shirt and boxers as he either got really hot or really cold when sick. Soon bringing the soup and bread over to him on a tray as he muttered a thank you as I sat down beside him while wrapping my arms around his shoulders, unfazed by his sickness.

"What you wanna watch?" I asked as I looked through the options.

"Hm... I don't mind..." He mumbled as he ate and once I put 'finding Nemo' on ,knowing it made the male sleepy for some reason, I started to eat.

Putting the tray up after he finished as I grabbed a blanket as I laid down as he shuffled until he had his head on my chest as I leaned back against the armrest as I wrapped the blanket around him. Playing with his hair as he slowly fell asleep, relaxing as I rubbed the back of his neck.

Alex when will is sick

Blinking my eyes open confused when I felt the male move around more than usual as I looked over at him, shuffling closer as I spooned him as he groaned. Feeling how hot his skin was as I sighed, remembering how the male and given me his coat when it and rained because we'd forgotten our umbrellas because we thought the other would have one to share, but the male gave me his coat to keep me warm and dry, leading him to get soaked and sick.

"This is what happens when you try and be romantic..." I chuckled as I kissed the side of his head as he squeezed his eyes shut, clearly feeling very sick, "do you feel like your gonna vomit?..."

"Yeah..." He mumbled and I helped him to the toilet, rubbing his back and he soon threw up as I kept his head from falling into the toilet as I had my legs on either side of him to keep him from wanting to lay down as he always wanted to lay down when he vomited.

"Better?" I sighed as I offered him some water as I helped him wash his mouth out before drinking some.

"Mm... " He mumbled as I helped him sit on the toilet lid after as I brushed his teeth with a spare toothbrush as we always kept two spare for when we got sick.

"That's lovely" I spoke sarcastically to the little response I got.

Soon waddling him back to bed as I put a bucket at the edge as he curled up into my chest exhausted. Yawning as he closed his eyes as I Held him close, closing my eyes as I fell asleep soon after him.

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