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Groaning as I tried to stretch which was hard when your body already hurt, as stupid as it seemed yoga improved your core strength quite a lot which was needed if you wanted to be able to stay upright after being rammed into a wall, plus it also meant I was more flexible so I could easily dodge. My councilor had first got me into it to help with mindfulness so it stuck with me as it did help to just let myself reset for a moment, so even if I looked stupid atleast I wasn't gonna be the one in pain after exercise. Laying on my mat in the gym that was attached to the ice rink which was gladly empty seeing as it was 5am, looking at the ceiling ready to just fall asleep as I hadn't fallen asleep until 2am this morning and was more living off coffee.

"Morning" someone spoke up and I looked over seeing will, he wore a simple pair of black pants and a tight black shirt which seemed far to thin for how cold it was inside and outside as I wore my soft blue sweater and black sweatpants though I was still cold.

"Fuck you..." I groaned as I covered my face with my arms.

"Why you in a mood?" He chuckled.

"Because! It's cold and I'm sore!" I huffed.

"That's your fault. You rushed me with I tried to stretch you properly" he pointed out before I felt his jacket from his backpack being draped over me, "can't have you getting sick, who else is supposed to such my dick"

"Woah. I fell reallll special" I spoke sarcastically.

"You should" he hummed as I used my own back as I pillow as I ignored the fact that the jacket was his as it was to thick and warm for me to care about that as I curled up so it was like a blanket.

"I'm taking a nap.." I announced.

"Okay I'll make sure no pedophiles harass  you" he reassured.

"Damn I'm feeling special" I chuckled as I closed my eyes.

"Don't get used to it, I won't stop Sam or your buddies though" he reminded.

Time skip

Curling into warm making a soft laugh come out and I blinked my eyes open realizing I was being carried though it took me a moment to realize that will was carrying me and to his car. Letting my head fall back down onto his head as the caffeine took the opposite effect and made me feel incredibly exhausted, he opened his car door before placing me in and putting my seatbelt on and he clearly though I was still asleep as he hummed happily to himself while tucking the jacket around me.

"You really want me to suck your dick don't you?" I questioned when he got into the front.

"You can't blame me. It's good sex" he shrugged as I blinked my eyes open.

"So where are we going?"

"Well I texted Riley and he said that stuff is happening at your place regarding like a meet up or some shit so he said he'd give me a bag of gummy bears if I let you sleep at mine for a bit" he explained.

"Bro I feel like I should be getting paid for dealing with you" I huffed.

"That could be arranged" he grinned.

"Oh fuck off" I scoffed, "you already made me exhausted and sore"

"Maybe just be patient and let me properly prep you and you wouldn't be so sore" he shrugged as he drove.

"Yeh well if I didn't get us to go fast we would have been found out" I pointed out.

"If you know your own roommates timetable we wouldn't have that problem" he spoke as he stopped at the lights and I looked at it confused.

"Isn't it green?"

"No it's red dipshit" he snickered.

"I feel like it'll be safer with me driving than you" I hummed.

"You cant read stop lights, the amount of red lights you'd run plus I doubt you even know how to drive" he chuckled.

"I do know how to drive thank you very much and I'll just follow what other people are doing" I shrugged.

"I feel like you would crash immediately" he hummed and I rolled my eyes as we pulled into his garage before getting out and I grabbed my bag as he grabbed his before heading into the house which had a similar layout to mine but the door to the garage was to the left of the front door and there was two doors further in the hallway which I'm guessing were the males rooms as we walked into his, "You know if you were more patient we could have fucked now"

"I swear to god your the horniest person I've ever met and second you have a loft bed!" I spoke as I flopped onto his bed and took the moment to admire his room, the loft bed wasn't quite tall but still reached just under your shoulders when on the floor. a bookshelf next to the bed which was attached to his desk that had drawings along it, a tv in front as he had his hockey gear under the bed and it was a pretty tall room which must have been why he decided to have a loft bed as I could easily move around without hitting my head but if I tried to properly stand I would definitely.

"Why you so excited about me having a loft bed?" He questioned as he messed with the stuff on his desk.

"Because I've always wanted one but my parents never let me" I huffed as I threw my shoes my with one hitting him though he only glared.

He mumbled something as I turned his tv on before grabbing his switch controller and heading straight for Mario cart, he soon came up and laid down beside me as he watched me drive around the track. Humming to myself as I easily sat in first place, it was strange to sit in each others company other than having sex and playing a match together and almost felt awkward but neither of us cared enough for it to feel awkward.

"How you so good at Mario cart?" He questioned.

"Because I'm great at everything"

"Except for seeing colours" he grinned as he nudged me and I shoved him back making him wince.

"And you suck at everything" I hummed.

"I do not. I don't suck at fucking you" he snickered as he leaned down into my neck as his breath and lips tickled it, sighing heavily as I lifted my head more up as he left sloppy kisses across my skin but didn't leave any marks before pulling away and I fixed my posture before wiping the Saliva he left behind off while trying to hid how flustered the action had made me.

"Can you not slobber on my neck" I glared as I changed onto minecraft as I had already won.

"Well I can't fuck you and clearly your not gonna suck my dick and I doubt your even in the mood for anything at all" he shrugged.

"Smart, you know how to keep your dick" I hummed

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