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Rubbing my eyes as I patted my uniform down for my keys before finding them as I unlocked the door before locking it behind me as I walked into down the hallway and past the kitchen before the living room where I found Will asleep with a blanket over him with a text book on the coffee table. Walking over to him as I closed it before rubbing his arm in attempt of waking him as he groaned before opening my eyes and smiling tiredly when he saw me as he reached out of the blanket and rested his hand on mine.

"Wanna go to bed?" I whispered and he nodded before sitting up.

"I made you some dinner if your hungry.." he mumbled as I helped him up.

"I'm alright..." I reassured as we went to our room as I took my shoes off and took my uniform off before putting my gun in the draw after putting the safety on.

"Did you have to use it?" He asked.

"no, did taser some dude though" I hummed and he nodded as he pulled his shirt off as I flopped face first into the bed after stripping down to my boxers, "I'm so sore..."

"First week will be hard since your getting used to the knew hours" he reassured as he reached over and rubbed my back before crawling over after kicking his pants away as he rubbed along my back and I melted into the touch as he dug his thumbs into my shoulders where the tension had bundled up.

"That's nice..." I yawned.

"Anything interesting happen today?" He asked as he moved so he straddled my thighs so he could properly massage me.

"Not really... just the usual small theft and drunk driving..." I mumbled as I buried my face into my folded arms as he dug his hands into my lower back making me groan, "I needed this..." I sighed when he stopped before climbing off me as I stretched before moving and sliding under the blanket.

"Good night honey" he hummed as I spooned him.

"Good night" I smiled as I kissed the back of his head, "love you"

"Love you too..." he mumbled as he slowly drifted to sleep and I followed not long after

Next day

Driving the cop car after Alice had let me so she could access how I handled pulling someone over and chases,  tapping my hands on the steering wheel as I waited a stop light while we made small talk. A call came in through the radio about a armed robbery and just as this happened said car raced the red light in front of me which led to me putting the lights on and slamming down on the accelerator so I could catch up as Alice held on.

"We are in pursuit of the vehicle, heading down river street in a red Ute" she said into the radio as another cop car caught up to us as they quickly slid down another street as I followed as they skidded to a stop after knocking into another car, stopping the car as I grabbed my gun from my holster and got out as we used our doors as cover.

"Get out of your vehicle with you hands in the air!" I yelled and they got out but instead started shooting and I  felt my heart pumping as I ducked before standing back up and shooting in return as I am aimed to get one in there leg as the other ran.

"Get him! I'll get this dude!" Alice yelled to me and I ran after the dude.

"Stop! Police!" I shouted as he ran down an alleyway, ducking behind a dumpster when he turned to shoot at me and I held my gun with a shaky hand before standing and shooting as  managed to get him in the leg but I felt my body freeze up as his own bullet pierced my shoulder as I fell as I cried in agony while holding the wound before struggling to stand and rushing to the man as I managed to cuff him and kick his gun away before sitting down against the wall as I grabbed my audio, "perp in custody with a shot to the leg, send a ambulance for my location, I've been shot"

"I'm on my way" Alice voice came through as I squeezed my eyes shut while holding my hand to my shoulder with unsteady breaths but all I could think about was Will, it wasn't bad enough that I'd die but it was painful and still a bullet wound with a bullet still inside, "Alex!" She yelled as she ran over.

"I'm fine.. make sure he's good" I choked out and she did so.

"He's fine" she sighed as she used a piece of fabric to tie around the wound as she set the perp up against the other wall before helping me, "Did it go through?"

"No." I gritted out as I squeezed my eyes shut, "fuck it hurts.."

"Well you were just shot" she joked in attempt of distracting me, the ambulance were surprisingly quick and it wasn't long until I was sitting in the hospital bed getting wrapped up after a few stitches and removal of the bullet, Will rushed in and I looked over and he had so much fear in his eyes and I knew he had been crying by his eyes and the old stains.

"Thank god your okay!" He exclaimed as he rushed over and the nurse stepped back as he hugged me making me wince, "I can't believe you got shot you idiot!"

"You really calling me a idiot right now?" I questioned with a grin.

"Yes! What if he got you in the head or heart! I cant loose you so stop smiling like that" he choked up and my heart melted as I lost my smile as he broke into tears and the nurse stepped out of the room as I took him into my chest.

"Honey I would never let you be alone... it won't be unusual for me to get hurt doing this but I'd never do anything that would risk you having to be at my funeral... never" I whispered.

"I was so worried when I got the call... I though I was gonna come in here and see you out in a bed with worse injury" he sobbed as I rubbed his back before pulling him back as I wiped his tears.

"And you say I cry a lot" I smiled as he sniffled with a soft laugh, "I'll be fine... it was only a small bullet and guess what I get a cool scar from it"

"Okay.." he mumbled, "but don't do something stupid like that again!"

"I won't, I'm too scared of you beating my ass even if I broke my leg" I chuckled making him smile slightly, "plus the bonus is a get two days off so my stitches can set in"

"Good, it's lonely without you there... to quite.." he sighed as he played with my hair.

"I know but I like what I do... makes me happy" I smiled.

"I'm glad, isn't it funny how even when we're older we're rivals?" He grinned.

"What you mean?" I questioned.

"Your a cop and I'm becoming defence attorney" he explained.

"Yeah we'll just because we're rivals doesn't mean we have to be"

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