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Sighing as I walked down the street from my car towards the house where the party was as Riley had asked me to find Alex after they lost the game and left without telling them anything though apparently they had a location app on each others phones for whenever something happened. Fixing the black hoodie I wore under my dark grey rain jacket as it kept lightly snowing which was why I had black jeans on, walking up the step and into the crowded house and immediately looking around for the male who could be anywhere. Growing more frustration the longer I looked but the $20 dollars Riley gave me and my worry made me continue my search through the house, I soon opened a door and I saw him sitting on the floor in a small group and as soon as I saw the pill in someone else's hand, the alcohol and weed I grabbed him and dragged him out as he let me and I managed to get us out of the house before he collapsed into me.

"Fuck sakes Alex" I sighed as I put his arm around my shoulders and helped him walk but he only pushed me away and stumbled down the path with me following after him and I knew he was completely out of it as he laughed to himself while his eyes welled with tears and I looked at him scared, scared of why he could crash so easily and scared of what happened when he was younger for him to be like this. I though he was better as the last time I saw him he was his usual self but than again he went from occasional smoking and drinking to getting high and lost at a party after a bad match, I rang Riley as I got him into the car before leaning against it.

"Hey I found him, he's really not good" I sighed

"Fuck sakes... he said he wouldn't relapse for god sakes..." he huffed.

"Relapse? This has happened before?" I questioned.

"After his dad found out about him being gay and all that... his mental health just got so much worse.. he was already struggling but a bad day turned to trips to the hospital and weeks just sitting in his room... than he met his ex. The dude than dragged him to party's and he than started using and we managed to pull him from the relationship and he went to rehab for a month or two than counselling... they said relapse wouldn't be uncommon but for him to be using again... it scares us that one day he'll make a permanent decision" Riley explained, "if your fucking around with his feelings don't because he doesn't have the strength to deal with being betrayed again"

"No never... and you said a permanent, you mean like.."

"Yes, kill himself."

"Has he ever tried to?" I asked.

"No, but it doesn't mean he won't... just bring him home please, you can stay the night if your exhausted Sam offered" Riley sighed and I nodded.

"Yeh okay, see you soon" I mumbled before hanging up and getting back into the car and he messed with the radio as I drove.

"There annoyed aren't they..." he whispered and his words came out slurred.

"There just worried about you"

"I don't always mean to use... first I take a few drinks than someone offers something than I'm too fucking drunk to realise that I worked so hard to not do this than I end up like this... but the feeling of just being so fucking happy and numb of any memories is soo fucking relaxing..." he spoke dazed and I sighed as I reached over and took his hand. (Don't do drugs guys)

"This is why you don't just go to parties alone..." I sighed.

"Aw... you care about me..." he giggled and I sighed, "I wish you liked me..."

"Yeh.. wish you liked me too"

Time skip

Helping Alex out of the car as Sam rushed out before hugging the male who silently hugged him back before a sob broke through him, shutting and locking the door as Sam guided Alex inside to sit on the couch before wrapping a blanket around him. Grabbing him a glass of water before handing it to him as Sam sat beside him as he talked to him about something that I wasn't sure off, Riley soon came out again with a medical kit and I always forgot that he did nursing in college before going back to playing hockey and I watched him examine Alex to make sure he didn't need to go to the hospital. I remembered when he would have gone to rehab, he had gone to training looking exhausted than suddenly just disappeared for two months with Riley saying that he had just left to visit a sick relative and of course I brought it since I didn't need to question Riley when he was so close to me and everyone knew I hated the male but now I silently wished I had helped him.

"I know I know" Riley sighed as he held a bucket for Alex after making him vomit and I assumed it was to get what ever he took out of his system.

"Oi, can I talk to you" Sam said as he walked over before pulling me into his room.

"What?" I questioned confused.

"Look. I know damn well what's happening between you and Alex and it's not the way to do something okay? Your going to hurt him and you may not realise it but he's hurting himself because he is doubting himself... now I don't care how long it takes you ever end it or you tell him how you feel, got it?" He spoke sternly and it was scary how protective he was of the male but he was rightful to be if his ex made him once worse than he was outside.

"Yeh.. I got it" I sighed before he let me walk out.

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