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Curling into the warmth and slowly opening my eyes realising that my head rested on the males chest as he slept, carefully slipping from his arms and sitting up as my head throbbed as my throat tightened up at the memories from last night. Checking my phone to see it was only 4am, slipping out of the bed and grabbing my shoes before pulling them on and grabbing my sweater that I had left here before going into the bathroom to access how hungover I looked and I couldn't cover up my irritated eyed and eye bags.

"Morning" someone spoke and I looked over at Oliver who gave me a pity smile, "you good bro?"

"Fuck. yeh" I swore as I blinked away any tears in my eyes.

"I'm guessing your leaving before he wakes up?"

"Of course. I don't need him questioning or fucking pissing me off" I sighed as I walked past him.

"We'll be safe since it's gonna snow soon" he hummed as I headed for there front door before walking out and it was freezing cold even though I wore a sweater and black sweatpants, a small light to everything as the sun was going to rise soon.

Stuffing my hands into my pockets as I walked home which was a decent 15 minute walk, squeezing my eyes shut as my eyes welled with angry tears, I had been going so well with alcohol and not doing any weed but than I walked into that party and as soon as it was handed to me I was doomed. I wasn't sure exactly when I got home but as I struggled with my sight due to the blurriness of my eyes the door opened for me and Sam immediately took me into his arms as I broke down and latched onto him with my head buried into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry..." I croaked and Riley came up behind us and shut the door and locked it.

"I know.. come on let's get you seated..." he sighed and I pulled away before going into the lounge room where I sat down with Riley pacing quietly to himself as Sam sat on the coffee table, "Alex you can't do that okay? I know you just need to escape some times but using drugs is not the way to go..."

"I'm guessing Will told you... of course he did..." I whispered.

"Alex do you not realise how serious this is! I'm glad Will found you because at least the dude cared enough to take you home! You could have gotten hurt!" Riley huffed.

"Okay! So what! You don't think I tried to not drink or smoke! I went to concealing for fuck sakes!" I snapped back.

"We're not saying you haven't tried but you need to let us help you for once, no more going to party's" Sam said.

"What the fuck you mean? You cant ground me" I scoffed.

"Yes the fuck we can, now stop acting like a little kid and don't even think about sneaking through your window or we'll make Will get you" Sam finally snapped.

"Him! No fuck that guy!" I groaned.

"Yes. Because he's the only one who is willing to put up with your ass thanks to Riley" Sam huffed.

Huffing as I flopped back into the couch and Sam stood up before the two wandered into the Sam room, standing up and heading into my room before flopping into my bed ready to catch up on the sleep that I wasn't able to as I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling. The sun soon rose and the two made breakfast and I pulled my blanket closer around and and pretended to be asleep when they approached my room so they didn't make me eat, Riley walked over and shook my shoulder before sighing and combing a hand through my hair and tucking me properly in before leaving. Pulling my phone out seeing a message from Will asking if I wanted to meet up sometime and I knew what that meant, having sex was almost like a distraction like alcohol though it was always short lived after and made me feel even more alone when the male left me since it wasn't like we were a couple or even friends, just sex buddies. Staring at my screen in the dark room before messaging back a time that I was free before letting my hand slowly fall to rest on my chest with my phone as I closed my eyes and let my mind go numb with sleep.

Time skip

Sitting in Sam room as he watched something on his laptop while I sat beside him and messed with his hand while scribbling on it, he was watching a movie which I was half watching, letting go of his hand and resting my head on his shoulder as we both didn't care if we cuddled and more preferred it as Sam knew it helped me deep down and it meant he didn't have to sit alone. Resting my head on his chest as his hand detangled my hair, sighing heavily as I closed my eyes and letting myself relax, staring at the screen as I wondered what it was like to see colours normally as only seeing yellows and blues were normal to me so it was always strange to think of being able to see properly.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"Sober" I hummed.

"That's a first" he snickered earning a jab to the side.

"I'm sober during the day... just not always at night" I huffed as I stuffed my face into my hoodie, it was my favourite as it was a soft navy blue fabric with a small penguin on the left side of the chest, taking over the laptop once the movie finished and immediately found a documentary which was one about the deep Atlantic Ocean.

"You weirdo" he mumbled.

"It's the nicest to watch since the colours look nicer..." I shrugged, "plus I like the Atlantic Ocean"

"I always forget you're colourblind" he hummed and I heard my phone go off and I sat up and grabbed it.

"Ooo who ya texting?" He questioned and I was glad he couldn't see my phone.

"Your mum" I snickered.

"First off tell her I said hi and second bitch your gay what you mean you're texting my mum" he joked, looking at the text from Will.

Blind bitch

You know you could at least try and be nice
Why would I do that?
Because I'm nice
Shit I might not be sober after all
Rude. Anyway when you free since I want a little something for dealing with your drunk ass yesterday
Yeh, you got 8 fucking bags of gummie bears from riley
I'll give you some if you come over?
Hmm, only the red ones
You won't know the difference you colourblind idiot
It's called the flavour, plus once your colourblind your whole life you can usually go off the shades to tell the difference
Well come over and proof it

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