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Smiling as I opened my eyes as I rolled over expecting to find Alex so I could annoy him awake but instead he was already sat up awake with a smile as he held a navy bag, he leaned over and pressed his lips to the top of my head and I closed my eyes as I melted at his affection. I was turning 25 today after the long wait and I was glad I got to do it with the male and I knew he was thinking the same thing even though he kicked me out last night since I kept trying to see what he was wrapping for me.

"Happy birthday..." he smiled.

"I'm glad I'm not waking up to the others beating the fuck out of me like the other years" I chuckled as I sat up as I leaned against him.

"Yeh they'll be doing so soon" he hummed as he wrapped his arm around me before setting the bag in my lap, "there's two things because I couldn't choose"

"Aren't I a lucky man" I grinned as I pulled them out and I unwrapped it and looked at the case confused before opening it to find a fancy looking fountain pen with my initials on it.

"I figured since your gonna be a fancy little therapist you'd need a fancy little one to go with it" he explained.

"It's perfect..." I beamed as I looked over it, "and you got it engraved"

"It was a hassle trying to find a engraver for them" he chuckled, "I'm glad I did though"

Opening the other gift to reveal a picture frame that had photos of us in it, "when you take most to these?"

"You really suck at paying attention to your surrounding" he laughed softly.

"I am" I gasped, "just sometimes I get distracted..."

"I know" he grinned as I put the rubbish back in the bag before leaning over and bundling him in my arms as one of my hands rested behind his head as I pulled him into a kiss that I had to reluctantly pull away and I set the photo and case onto the shelf next to my bed. Pulling him back into a kiss and we both laughed slightly when I pulled us down before rolling on top of him as he felt along my bare chest while I trailed my kisses to his neck though the door bursted open causing me to look over to see a horrified Sam.

"I told you to knock!" Oliver said as he came in and I moved off Alex who sat up.

"Come on! Open my present!" Riley yelled as he came in and practically tackled me back down as he forced the box into my chest.

"Chill man" I laughed as my bed suddenly became the sitting room for the them as Oliver sat beside Sam as I unwrapped the box to reveal a set of skates.

"Since you literally never ask for anything we all got together to buy them" Riley grinned.

"There perfect" I smiled as I looked them over, "hopefully I can play states in them"

"Yeh right I'll beat your ass even in fancy skates" Alex grinned with Sam agreeing.

"Guess we'll just have to find out won't we" I grinned as I leaned closer to the male.

"I'm gonna destroy you" he whispered and Sam cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Anyway, we'll be back since we need to pick up the cake from the bakery so please wait until after we leave until you rail your boyfriend" Oliver spoke and he put the skates under the bed for me before they all left my room and I pulled him closer so he was leaning over me with our chest touching though his hip was touching the side of mine with his leg over mine as I pulled him into a kiss as we made out.

"Fuck come closer" I mumbled when we partner for air.

"I'm already on you" he laughed softly as I hooked my hand under his knee and pulled him properly on top of me so his hips were flush to mine and I was glad he only wore boxers and a hoodie to sleep as it meant when I took his hip and grounded him down it felt all the better.

"Now we're closer" I whispered against his lips before reconnecting his lips and he groaned as he pulled my sweatpants off so there was only a thin material between us and as soon as I heard the front door close he sped his hips up.

"I don't think I can let you properly fuck me after we did it last night..." he reminded as I kissed along his neck.

"I can go slow and just pull out if it does hurt too much?" I offered and he though before nodding, "I wouldn't be surprised... I was pretty rough last time"

"Yeh well I knew we'd probably be busy today I wanted to treat you" he smiled as I helped him pull his own boxers off as he pulled his hoodie off before I slid mine off.

"You recon you need prep?" I asked as I always made sure, lubing up my bare dick and I was glad we stopped using condoms for the most part as it felt better with out it though sometimes we did, he shook his head as he stood on his knees so I could get comfortable before I eased him to slowly sit and he tipped his head back when I slowly helped him sit down onto me as I pushed in.

"Fuck..." he exhale once he got most of me in as he leaned forward on me.

"You alright?" I asked as I kissed the side of his head, he'd already treated me last night so I wasn't gonna expect him to have the same energy especially with the amount of hickeys that littered his chest, thighs and abdomen.

"Yeh I'm good..." he nodded, "can I lay on my back though... it's too much work trying to lift myself.."

"Yeh" I smiled as I carefully rolled us over and he seemed to relax when his head hit the pillow as he gave me the all clear to move and I hooked his legs around my waist before slowly moving my hips making his eyes flutter shut in bliss, of course rough and fast sex was good but slow sex was more intimate and I could fully take him apart slowly with pleasure.

"Good?" I asked as I leaned down and he nodded as I kissed along his chest as he moan lightly.

"Perfect..." he whispered before speaking up, "I though this was your little birthday sex...feel like I've enjoying it more"

"I had that last night... plus who says I'm not or practically melting at the sight of my boyfriend fucked out of his mind..." I grinned as I angled my hips more up making me thrust against his prostate causing a shiver to run over his body as he moaned.

"Fuck..." he whispered as he scratched at my shoulders and I moved my upper body up so he could hold onto me a which he did so while I sucked a hickey into his shoulder, reaching down and wrapping my hand around his dick as I quickly pumped my fist causing him to latch into me, "shit! I'm gonna-" he couldn't finish his sentence before he came and I followed soon after when he kissed me and I slowly stopped before leaving my hips flush inside him as I kissed him.

"Pretty..." I whispered as I kissed his cheek.

"You gonna pull out?" He asked and I hummed.

"In a second... I'm very happy where I am" I mumbled and I soon did so knowing it probably wasn't the most comfortable thing to have a soft dick up your ass, wiping his clean before laying down against his side with my head on his chest as he rubbed my back as he held my hand with the other.

"Happy birthday you moron"

"Yeah but I'm your favorite moron" I grinned.

"Yeah... Well I do hope so since you did just fuck me and we've been dating for like 2 weeks" he laughed softly as we slowly fell into a nap.

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