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Rubbing my face as I rolled onto my back away from the male I was spooning who was apparently awake as he grunted annoyed at the loss of affection before rolling over so he was facing me as I stared up at the ceiling. He rubbed my chest as I zoned out and the only reason why I was snapped from my trance was because of Adam walking in as if he wasn't afraid to walk in on something unholy.

"Uh Alex your mum is looking for ya" he hummed and I sighed before sitting up as the males brother left.

"I'll be back... Hopefully" I sighed as I kissed the side of his head before getting out of bed as he pulled my sweater on over his shirt.

"I love you" he spoke up.

"Love you too" I mumbled, knowing the male would trap me until I said it back as there was one rule that we'd never go to bed upset or angry and always say I love you to the other especially after a bad night or morning. Heading downstairs and finding my mother fidgeting as grace talked to her with a kind smile and I was glad my mother was safe here, "What you need?" I asked.

"Honey you know that of course the trial against your father is coming up well... Well someone bailed him..." She sighed heavily.

"Wait so they let him walk around?! After everything that happened?!" I questioned, my fear instantly shifting to anger instinctively.

"Honey he's still going to court and is going to be put away" will mother reassured me.

"But he's still out there!" I stressed, "I know what people like him do!"

"What's with the yelling?" Will question as he came down.

"There's nothing we can do Alex" my mother sighed and I couldn't bring myself to yell at my mother so instead I stormed out with will instantly following behind me as he yanked his boots on and grabbed my own.

"Come back Alex! Atleast put osme shoes on I don't want you getting hurt!" Will called out and I only stopped so the male wouldn't tackle me and I quickly pulled the shoes on before continuing my journey even though I didn't know where the paddock led, "so... What happened?..."

"My father got bail..." I mumbled.

"Shit I'm sorry Hun... But we still have the court date and if he comes here than it only proofs that he's dangerous and has to be locked away" he reasoned and I stopped as we stood beside a creek.

"That's the problem will! He will come looking for me and my mother! Sure he'll be locked away but what happened when I go for a walk and he attacks me!" I snapped at him, I knew he didn't have any choice of if my father roamed before court but all my fear had built up and turned into anger.

"Than I'll protect you" he reassured.

"How!? He already knows he's going to jail so you really think he's just gonna not come after me because your dad is a fucking captain and your a hockey player!?" I yelled at him, "God I knew you weren't smart but your a absolutely moron!"

"How am I a moron for wanting to protect you!" He questioned.

"What is there to protect! Like seriously will! I'm fucking tired of you thinking your some prince charming! Like I'm going to get better Because guess what I can't!" I snapped before storming away and he went to follow me, "just fuck off!"

"You'll get lost Alex!" He sighed, "you don't have to talk to me but atleast go to the stables or something so I know your safe!" He huffed and I headed towards the stables as he was right with the lost part and he followed me, "I love you?..."

"Fuck off..." I scoffed and he slowed down before heading back towards the house.

Sitting down outside the stable against its wall as I let myself break down as I brought my knees to my chest as I held my head, I wished I hadn't snapped a the male for trying to help me so he'd sit with me but I doubt he even wanted to talk to me now. Sobbing as I felt like I was suffocating even though I was perfectly fine and I focused on my breaths so I wouldn't have a panic attack though it seemed so much harder when I could barely see straight though I heard soft paws before bingo sat down in front of me with a whine.

"Hey buddy..." I croaked as I reached out and ran my hands along it's fur , "fuck... I'm such a shitty person..."

It took me a good while to calm down and I soon managed to build up the courage to go back and I ignored the two mother's worried looked as I headed upstairs, hugging myself as I stood outside the males door before knocking and it almost instantly opened and I was half expecting him to slam the door on my but he sighed before moving back and letting me in.

"You good now?" He questioned as he sat down at his desk as I sat down on the edge of the bed as I tried not to break down crying.

"I'm so sorry... I know you're just trying to help but I'm so scared of that man finding her or me and hurting us again..." I croaked and he nodded as he rubbed his face.

"I know you're scared but trust me when I say that he will be behind bars soon... Until then we just have to stay positive... And if you just want to sit alone I can do that but yelling at each other isn't going to help us..."

"Okay..." I whispered as I held back tears as he stood up before sitting beside me as he took my hand into his, "I love you.."

"I love you too..." He smiled, "wanna lay down for a bit?"

"Yeah please..." I nodded before he helped me take my boots off before he pulled me down as I curled into his chest.

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