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Mopping the tile floors while waiting for the male to come home as food sat on the bench as I'd eaten mine after the male said he'd be late because he was having drinks with another rookie though he more ment he'd be drinking water or lemonade since he only drank with me or Sam when the male wasn't drinking that night. I felt jealous in my stomach though I knew I shouldn't be but I'd seen the girl he was talking about and even though he was my partner I couldn't help it especially after the male said he'd be home for dinner. The pros of being a psychologist though meant I was good at keeping my emotions in check unlike the male as even though he'd gone to counseling his natural reaction was to defend himself if I push too far. It way like trying to corner a stray cat. Soon hearing his keys as I finished up drying the kitchen floor and when the male greeted me I'd ignored him as I went into the bathroom to empty the bucket.

"Will? You okay?" He spoke confused and worried as I sighed.

"You promised you'd be home for dinner" I sighed, "that's the third time this week.."

"And the other two were because of work!" He reasoned as I walked back out as he chucked his shoes at the door.

"Seriously? I ask you to neatly set them down a thousand times" I huffed though I kept my tone stern but soft as he rolled his eyes.

"Their shoes will.. stop being dramatic" he glared.

"It's not just shoes though! I feel like you never help! I'm always making dinner while you get to go out with the damn girl!" I snapped.

"You're jealous..." He grinned realizing where my frustration was coming from, "look.. I'm sorry that I'm not as clean as you are and that I have a busy schedule but I didn't realize that you hated me going out with her... When did this start?"

"I don't know..." I sighed, "it just feels like forever since we have even had sex let alone go out on a date... Makes me feel like you wanna fuck her and not me.."

"Fuck you?" He spoke confused before a grin grew, "isn't it the other way around?"

"Of course I must have mixed up my words" I reasoned, my ears burning as he grabbed my hips, trapping me against the bench.

"Do you want me to fuck you?..." He grinned as I avoided his eyes.

"Maybe... You mentioned it a while ago and I can't get it out of my head now... Hate the though of you fucking her..." I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I would never have sex with another person... Also did you seriously forget that I don't like women? I mean I only fucked women before you because I was drunk half the time" he reassured me, "but fucking you... I like the idea of that a lot..."

"Figured it would be a treat for reaching 6 months sober.." I smiled.

"Already?... I never realized..." He mumbled before a smile came onto his lips, "guess that's what I had to do for me to be able to fuck you"


"In the locker room, you said I had to do something more impressive than beating you for you to let me fuck you" he explained.

"Well this is pretty impressive" I grinned as I pecked his cheek, "want dinner?"

He grinned as he went into his knees and unzipped my pants as I still wore my black dress pants and white button up from work, he undid my belt and before pulling them down as they bundled at my feet, "dinner can wait..."

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