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Stirring awake when Alex moved too much from where he once spooned me and rolled onto my back to see if he wanted to move positions though he sat up and rubbed his face making me assume he had a nightmare, he didn't move around or talk when he had a nightmare as if he had just accepted them. Resting my hand on his back as he sat cross legged with his elbows on his knees and head in his hands, he didn't cry but I knew he was only holding them back as he probably didn't want to risk Emily somehow hearing him even though she was asleep on the couch most likely.

"You alright?" I questioned and he sniffed.

"Fuck what you think Einstein" he snapped and he broke out crying a few seconds later, "shit I'm sorry.."

"It's okay... you wanna sit out side for a bit?" I offered, he nodded before I sat up and we headed out of my room and Emily was awake as she was getting something to drink from the kitchen and Alex tensed up when she saw him.

"You okay?" She asked worried and Alex didn't reply as he rushed outside.

"He'll be fine..." I reassured, she nodded as I grabbed him water before going outside with him as he sat on the steps of the porch, sitting down beside the make and handing him a glass which he took and I wished deeply I knew what he was thinking as he stared ahead at the pool with a blank face with his eyes looking exhausted and glassy, "You wanna talk about it?"

"It was one of the common ones.." he explained, he barely told me anything and I understood it took a lot of trust for him to and trust to him was vulnerability, "it's the night when I overdosed... except I did and instead of the usual one I sat in a funeral this time... my own funeral..."

My throat felt tight at that moment, "fuck Alex.. I wish I could actually help you..." I whispered.

"You do..." he mumbled, "think about it, I haven't pick up a single bottle or smoked in ages..." at those words I realised he truly hadn't, no matter how bad the nightmares were or exhausted he was he never drank.

"True.." I whispered, "do you still wanna go out tomorrow?"

"Yeh... I'll be fine by than..." he sighed as he took my hand into his before leaning into me and he shivered from the cold leading me to pull my hoodie off and hand it to him and he smiled slightly before pulling it on and lean back into my chest as I wrapped my arm around him as he buried his face into the fabric, "I'm definitely keeping this now" he smiled.

"Fine" I sighed dramatically but settled to have a soft smile instead before leaning down and pecking his lips.

"Come on... let's head back inside before one of us gets sick.." he spoke up soon after and I stood up before helping him and we headed back into my room.

"Wanna know what I realised, we haven't had sex like at all" I whispered as we laid down.

"Do you want to?" He questioned confused and I nodded

"Not now of course I was just pointing it out..."

"Well I guess before we actually got together we only really saw each other to hook up... now we don't" he shrugged  as he laid on his back with me curling against his side with my head on his chest, "I can't believe your like a little spoon"

"Shush, sometimes you are" I smiled, "makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside"

"Yeh... I like holding you like this..." he whispered as he rubbed the back of my neck.

"Good night" I mumbled as I closed my eyes as I held him close with him doing the same to me.

"Good night.." he yawned as we slowly fell asleep again.

Time skip

Yawning when the others woke me up before my alarm and also apparently the monster that slept with me as he groaned and kicked me off him and put his head under my pillow instead as they screamed about something. Sitting up with Alex kicking me out to go and solve it, when I walked out I realized the problem for the yelling was a large spider that sat on the kitchen floor with Sam yelling at Riley to kill it as he took cover on the couch, looking at the ground adults unimpressed.

"Should you guys please be quite, you gonna wake Alex up even more" I groaned as I grabbed a container and piece of paper.

"Too bad! That things the size of a fucking dog mate!" Emily yelled and I heard my door slam open reveal Alex who looked like he was about to commit arson outside of Minecraft.

"The next person to yell us going to sleep outside" he spoke up and Riley and Sam went dead quite as if they had experience.

"Do it" Emily spoke up as I put the spider outside and I barely managed to physically pick the male up as he held a wooden spoon.

"Say it again! You fucking whore I'll find where you live and I'll put fucking crickets in your attic!" He yelled as I carried him back to our room and shut the door and he wrestled against me though I managed to get him back into bed and burrito wrap him.

"You gonna chill now?" I questioned as he deflated, laying down beside him on my side as he stared at the ceiling while most likely trying to plot their deaths.

"Never" he whispered and I leaned over so my upper body leaned over him as my hand supported me on the other side of him.

"We don't have to go for another 5 hours since it's only 8am so you can go back to bed" I reassured as he looked up at me before lifting his head and connecting our lips which I happily led back into before pulling away and he tried to lean back into it but I was just out of reach, "if you be nice to Emily today I'll treat you.."

"That does sound like a very nice offer... What is this treat?" He questioned as I unwrapped him.

"Where's the fun if you know?" I grinned

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