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Time skip

Sitting beside Alex in the court room as everyone got ready and I know the male probably felt like leaving or hiding in the bathroom because on the other side was his father and the same male that made him have to go to counselling and deal with bad relationships because he thought that what love looked like. Interlocking our hands to stop him from picking at his fingers, our lawyer was good and we had enough evidence and people who could testify to easily win the case but I know he would always think of the rare chance of the man getting away with it.

"You okay?" I whispered.

"Kinda have to be" he whispered back before he looked at his mother on the other side of the lawyer as they talked.

"Remember you don't have to be scared, wanna know why?" I grinned.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Because even though there are security guards I will be the first to tackle that bastard" I hummed making a small smile appear, "once this is over we can get ice cream and chill at the park, alright?"

"Can we do that tomorrow? I'm exhausted..." he sighed.

"Of course" I smiled and we stood up when the judge entered.

"You may be seated" he spoke up as everyone sat down, "today we will be witnessing the trial against Chris waters for the abuse against his son and wife, procession of drugs and selling them and sexual assault to a minor, mr Otis you may call your first defendant to the stand"

"My first defendant is alexander waters" our lawyer stated for the writer, the male stood up as I let go of his hand as his mother took it for a second when he pasted her, sitting back in my seat as I watched him sit down at the stand and pledge his honour.

"Mr alexander you state that your father has abused you many times but why had no one discovered this if these so called beatings were so bad" his father lawyer questioned him.

"I mostly was able to lie or cover them, he knew where to hit me to make it look like a fall and would often threaten that he would make it... it worse if I told and when I did he had hurt my mother and made me watch..." he explained while trying not to let his voice go shaky or unstable.

"Did any of your friends or even teacher's question your bruises?" They asked.

"No, my mother would always make sure they were covered... we couldn't go to the hospital unless it was a broken bone so most of the time my mother made sure I was covered and stitched up" he sighed and I felt like going across the room and hurting that man the same way but I kept my eyes on the fidgeting Alex as he looked over at me in fear.

"Are you okay mr alexander?" The judged asked as his eyes welled up.

"Yes sorry judge" he answered in a strained voice and the women nodded understandingly as our lawyer stood to show his proof.

"Mr alexander would you be able to describe the night that you had told your father of your sexuality? And what happened when you had returned" he asked and the words made the male freeze up.

"Excuse me judge" I spoke up and she looked over at me and gestured for me to continue, "may I sit with him? It may make it easier for him to explain it"

"Yes you may" she nodded with a smile and I was quick to rush over and I sat beside him as he leaned into me, "Alexander you may continue"

"The night I came out was Christmas time, he had gotten mad and had smashed a bottle over my head before hitting me badly... he kicked me out as he said he didn't want a homo like me living in his home... I spent the night on a bench as I was too afraid to go to a friend or return.. my mother had snuck me out a bag the next morning and I spent two days on the street before I managed to come back home.." he explained and I took his hand, "when I returned my mother wasn't there at the time... he had approached me and I was confused as he told me to sit beside me on the couch and that day he had..." he choked up on his words, "he had touched me as he said that if I was a homo than I shouldn't have a problem and that it was my fault"

"That's bullshit!" His father yelled as he stood up and slammed his hand down and the judge slammed her hammer down.

"Order in the court! Sit down Mr Chris!" She yelled at him and he reluctantly did so, "we may have a short break"

Everyone cleared out as I turned to Alex and took him into my arms as he broke down into my chest, shaking as he clutched onto me, "I got you... I promise he won't get you..."

"I'm scared..." he whispered.

"I know..." I mumbled as I mouthed to his mother to go as she nodded before following my parents and our lawyer out leaving the court room empty except for a security guard in the corners.

We soon stood up as I guided the male out of the room where Sam was who immediately hugged him, standing aside so the two could talk as Sam comforted him after before he had to leave to our lawyer as Alex returned to me as I immediately brung him into my arms. Rubbing his back as we swayed quietly as neither of us wanted to talk or had the energy to do so, he was exhausted from the trail and I was from having to watch him stress out but neither of us let the other sleep in another bed even if we weren't happy with the other as with both of us stressed it wasn't uncommon for us to get irritated to each other but in the end we'd make up.

"I'm exhausted..." he mumbled and I'd watched him crash these past through weeks, having to drag him out of bed for food and help him do the simplest self care and hygiene but I didn't mind.

"I know... but just remember when this is over you'll be safe... you and your mother will be safe" I smiled as I rubbed the back of his head instead as he nodded weakly while he gripped at my hoodie.

Time skip

Sitting in the court room as we waited for the jury after a good 5 hour long court trial as it was 9pm at night now and everyone were exhausted but it was worth it if the jury decides that the man is guilty. Holding Alex's hand as the male sat half asleep on the chair beside me, he now wore my hoodie as he had gone through 2 cups of coffee now and I knew he was gonna pass out as soon as we got in the car, the jury soon came back as they handed the judge a slip.

"I pledge Chris water's guilty for sexual assault to a minor, drug use, selling and possession and the domestic abuse of Alexander waters and miss jasmine waters and sentence him to 30 years in prison and the fine of 20 000" the judge announced and before we could celebrate his father attempted to rush up and grab one of them but the security acted fast and pinned him down before cuffing him as I'd stood up to block him of the male, I turned to Alex once sitting back down.

"I promised I would keep you safe..."

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