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Fidgeting with my hands in the police station as Sam had dragged me here since if Daniel even just messaged me I had to report it, swallowing the lump in my throat as the women sent me a small smile before writing down the information on her computer. Holding back tears as I remembered when he showed up to the rink, I saw him at practice and I knew deep down when I left that locker room he'd try and talk to me since no one would question it which was why I texted Will in pure hope that he'd come and the relief when I saw him in that car park. I was physically and mentally stronger but as soon as I see that horrid man I feel like I'm going to drown, like I'm the same weak man I was in the past.

"Does he know of where you staying at the moment?" She asked.

"Probably... he hasn't shown up yet but I have a feeling he knows" I explained.

"Is there anyone you can stay with at the moment until we're able to get this settled?"

"Yeh I can ask some people" I nodded and I took my phone out with shaky hands.

"Here's my card, if anything and I mean anything even if it's just a message call me okay?" She instructed and I took it before standing and leaving the station and Sam was waiting outside for me and he immediately hugged me, this felt all to familiar if the night we went here and the two weeks of court sessions that put the man away for 2 years and he would have gotten out a few weeks ago which was probably why he's been trying to get in contact with me.

"I promise I won't let him hurt you again..." Sam whispered as he held me close and I let my tears fall quickly.

"She said I should stay at someone's place until it settles..." I sniffed.

"Alright. Wanna stay at Riley's?" He sighed and I shrugged.

"Can I call Will first?" I asked making him look at me confused.

"Thought you hated that dude? You called him a inbred creature of a mole rat and a snake" he spoke confused.

"Yeh well he's also the person who beat the shit out of Dan when he tried to find me at the rink..." I sighed and he nodded before we got into the car.

"You guys would make a good couple you know, you and Will I mean" he smiled and I shrugged.

"Don't think I'm ready to allow myself to trust like that..."

"Alex.. it's been two years, you should let yourself find someone to settle down with and I know Will is probably the best option for you" he sighed.

"Sam there's things that man did to me that I'll never be able to forget so don't tell me to just move on.." I glared.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I just want to see you happy with someone" he explained and I knew where he was coming from.

"I want to but every time I think about it... it feels like I'm just gonna fall for a guy like Daniel again.." I croaked as I held back tears, I should had seen the red flags the moment I saw him but I guess I didn't realise the difference between green and red after my parents marriage.

"Sometimes you just gonna take that step, I know Will is a good guy even if he's a pain in the ass and Riley has confirmed that since they known each other since like high school now, I mean the dude barely drink, doesn't smoke at all, has a degree in psychology-"

"He has a degree in psychology!" I cut him off, "oh my god no wonder he good at helping me"

"Maybe he's good at helping you because he cares about you?" He reasoned.

"Nah why would he do that" I scoffed and we stopped at a red light and Sam looked at me unimpressed.

"God it's so fucking agonising watching you two" he groaned as he continued to drive.

"Welcome to my life watch you, Riley and Oliver, it's like trying figure out who's gonna bone who"

"God your disgusting! We're friends!"

Time skip

Biting my nails as I looked at my messages trying to figure out how to phrase it without coming off as selfish or needy, becoming dependent on someone was the one thing I struggled to do and barely even let people help me in the first place since my father stuck in my mind that if they helped me I owed them with Daniel reinforcing the idea. Wiping my tears as I tried to control my emotions though all I felt was anger for allowing Dan to come into contact with me again and fear of what will happen if he did find out where I was, I didn't have time to react as suddenly Will was calling me and I stared at the screen before clicking the green button after making my voice sound less like I'd been crying for a few hours.

"Hey how the meeting with the cops to?" He asked.

"It went alright..." I sighed, "So.. I was wondering if you would mind if I stayed at yours for a few days until it settles since there worried that he might know where I live..."

"Of course not, do you need me to come pick you up or is Sam gonna drop you off?" He asked.

"Can you pick me up..." I asked.

"Yeh, I'll head over now" he reassured before I hung up, after letting Sam know I managed to pack half of my bag before Will showed up and he came into my room with bingo trailing behind, "though you might want bingo to sit with you."

"Thanks..." I whispered as I sat on my bedroom floor and the canine sat down beside me as I felt my eyes well as I tried to pack though it felt useless as I only ended up breaking down completely and the male sat down beside me and wrapped a arm around me as I leaned into him, "I though he would never come back... I though I was finally safe.."

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