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Getting out of the car as we approached the house and I felt Will glance over at me when we walked into the house and I kept a blanket look while stepping over the broken glass, the call came in about a noise complaint and I felt like I was the same little kid wishing the police would come and safe me all over again. Going into the living room where Will dad was questioning my father and I was glad the man didn't recognise me and I glanced over at him and he had the same black hair as me but was shorter than me and looked like someone you wouldn't even trust with a dog yet alone a child.

"Hey do I know you?" My father questioned.

"Sir please leave my partner alone and answer my questions" Will dad spoke up as I left the room and found Will in my old childhood room that was a bit destroyed, a bed in the corner and wardrobe next to it, a window that was far from clean next to my bed with a hole in the wall where someone had punched it.

"Welcome to my old room" I joked humourlessly and he looked over from where he was with a frown.

"Wanna talk to your mum? She's out the front" he offered and I nodded before he followed me out there and my mother instantly recognised me as she rushed over from where she stood on the dead lawn and hugged me.

"Oh my baby" she cried and I hugged her with teary eyes and I pulled back as I looked at the fragile women, she had a bad bruise on her eye but still had hope in her eyes, soft brown hair that reached her shoulders and had the same eyes as I did with a soft flowery dress as she always tried to not let herself sink even if she had to wear a long sleeve dress to cover the bruises.

"Mum you have to leave this horrible place" I whispered.

"I cant Alex... you know what will happen if he found me again.." she stressed.

"What if you come to my parents?" Will spoke up and she looked at him shocked, "my mother would love to have someone around and it'll mean Alex can see you"

"You sure?" She sniffed and he nodded making the women go to him and hug him, "thank you... what's your name dear?"

"William but you can call me Will, I'm your sons boyfriend" he smiled

"What?" She smiled as she pulled away and I moved closer so we were standing next to each other, "oh my goodness how you've grown"

"Alright you guys ready?" His dad asked as he came out.

"Is it alright if we bring Alex's mum back to the station?" Will asked and he nodded.

"Come on, we'll get some of your stuff" I sighed and she nodded as I took her back instead and I kept my hand on my gun as Will followed.

"I knew I recognised a little rat when I saw one..." my father spat as he stood in the hallway and something snapped in me that I didn't want to my mother to have to fear a excuse of a man anymore which lead me to pull the pepper spray out and spray the man causing him to cry out and fall as he tried to wipe his eyes and I ignored it as I took my mothers hand and pulled her into there room.

"Thank you so much dear... I wish I could have given you a better life here..." my mother whispered as she traced my face with teary eyes.

"I know... but now you can finally be safe... you can finally be happy" I whispered and after she calmed down she packed a bag.

"All ready?" Will asked as we walked out of the room.

"We just gonna leave him there?" I questioned.

"Nah another patrol cars coming, trust me domestic abuse of this kind is not dealt with kindly for the abuser" Will explained as we left after the male out cuffs on him and another car pulled up as we left.

"So how have you been?"she asked me as we sat in the back.

"I've been good, I life with Sam but most of the time I'm at wills place now, hockeys going good but I'm thinking about leaving it soon or after this season" I shrugged, "went to counselling all that"

"I'm glad..." she smiled sadly and I knew she wished she could have given me more and she did in her own way because she's the one who found me packing that night and helped me without stopping me, she was the one who covered for me whenever my father was upset and went though so much physical abuse as unlike her my father had to be careful where he hit me because of hockey and school while my mother had to sit with me as I cried wishing she didn't have to treat her own sons wounds.

"Alright here we are, I've called them up and there will be someone waiting for you, I'll bring your son back in a few hours" Will dad explained and a kind looking officer approached our car.

"I'll see you soon ma" I smiled and she gave me a short hug before getting out and leaving.

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