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Scribbling on the piece of paper while I sat at my desk with my headphones on, humming to myself as I shaded the eye of the art on the page as I took a moment to process who I had decided to draw which was the same person who's sweater was on my bed after he left it here by accident. Moving my headphones to wrap around my neck as I closed my eyes while tipping it back before standing up and heading to my closet where I pulled out a pair of shorts and shirt which I changed into before putting my watch on before walking out after pulling on my sneakers in attempt to run out the thoughts.

"Come on bingo" I sighed as I clipped the collar to the canines collar before heading out and put a hoodie on too as the sun had already set.

"Where you going?" Oliver asked and I turned around looking at the shirtless male who held a tub of ice scream and had a face mask on.

"For a run. I'll be back soon" I shrugged before putting my headphones back on.

"Weirdo" I heard him mumbled and I left.

Jogging down the path with the canine and with how cold it got in the winter you could easily see your breath, soon getting to the football field that was completely dead and quite with even the floodlights being off but still having a few lights for people. Running across the field until something, well someone, caught my eyes on the bleachers laying across it smoking as a half finished pack of cans sat beside him, running over before jumping the fence to the bleachers getting there attention and they immediately sat up and we immediately recognised each other as I stared at the extremely high Alex.

"Hey!" He laughed as I walked up the stairs to him, "what you doing here!"

"I'm more worried about you being here... Jesus how much did you drink.." I sighed as I sat beside him as he put the blunt out and let his head hang back with a droopy smile.

"Its so pretty out here... all the stars..." he whispered, "I wonder how the grass is always so alive..."

"Because it's fake" I shrugged.

"Really!" He gasped as he sat up properly and I sighed as he stood up and rushed down, nearly falling in the process before laying face first on the grass laughing to himself and staring at him I knew I couldn't leave him here, grabbing his alcohol before standing up.

"Alex come on what you doing" I sighed as I walked down to him making him roll onto his back and I managed to get him to stand though he only pulled me into a hug.

"Your nice and warm..." he mumbled and I rubbed his back.

"Come on you can stay at mine for the night" I whispered making him nod.

"Ha we can have a sleepover" he giggled as I guided him across the field as he leaned on me for balance.

"Sure" I sighed, I knew he usually had a bad relationship with alcohol from the times I'd watch him across the room drown himself in it only for him to be pulled away by one of his friends looking absolutely numb and tired but I had never seen him get high or take any meds which was worrying, even if the male though I hated and didn't care I wished he would atleast let his friends help him.

"Why do you hate me will..." he mumbled and the questioned seemed serious but he said it with a slur and stumble of feet.

"I don't" I mumbled knowing the likelihood of him remembering were low.

"God why cant I have a life like you! You have amazing parents and a cool team!" He huffed as we walked across the street.

"It's my life, you can have a good team and amazing life if you put the work in" I hummed and he grumbled something as we walked, he stared at the canine.

"What's your dogs name?" He asked.

"Bingo" I smiled as the canine sniffed at the males hand.

"Ha I like that name" he giggled as we walked up my driveway and I pulled my keys out and unlocked the door and I let him stand behind me before I heard a crash and I looked over my shoulder as he sat in the bush that wrapped around the house as I assumed he leaned to far, "when thus get here..."

"Alright up ya get" I sighed as I pulled him back into my arms as Oliver opened the door.

"What the hell..." he mumbled confused as he let us in.

"He's high off his head and drunk... I'll text Riley and let him know to come get him in the morning" I explained while guiding him to the couch where I laid him down and draped a blanket over him and as soon as he closed his eyes he was out.

Heading into my room after a small talk with Oliver though it wasn't long until I heard footsteps and paws before my door creaked open as I laid in bed with my book, my glass pushed up on my nose with my lamp that sat on the bookshelf on so I could read. Looking over seeing Alex with a numb look to him as he walked over before climbing up and into bed, smiling slightly as he turned to face away from me and I reached over to ruffle his hair.

"You alright?" I asked.

"The weed is making me feel shitty..." he mumbled, "don't you dare bring this up again... I just don't like being alone when I sleep..."

"I'll let it go this one time... so why you get High and drunk at the football field?" I questioned.

"I don't wanna talk about it... can you just shut the fuck up for once and stop being serious" he sighed

"Alright" I mumbled as he curled up into himself.

Soon closing my book and leaning over the male to place it back on the bookshelf before turning the lamp off making the room go basically pitch black, shimmering down before bringing the blanket closer and closing my eyes. He rolled over to face me and I sent him a small smile since we could still see things close to us, he closed his eyes before attempting to fall asleep though I guess the side effects of said weed were finally kicking in as he rolled onto his back and covered his face with his arms.

"Fuck... Why I decide to get high..." He mumbled and his voice sounded strained.

"Do you usually" I asked.

"Can you please stop questioning me!" He snapped as he removed his arms from his face and I looked at him shocked before he broke down as his hands covered his face.

"Come here..." I sighed while taking him into my arms and rubbing his back as he curled into my chest.

"I don't usually... It's rare that I even do anything worse than drink and I barely even smoke now..." He explained, "it's just sometimes it's there during a party and I just can't stop myself..."

"Just get some rest so you can be your grumpy self again" I mumbled earning a nudge.

"I'm not grumpy, you're just annoying" he huffed

"You're the one who's cuddling said annoying person"

"It's not even cuddling! God your such a pain in the ass!" He groaned but didn't move away though the teasing meant he stopped focusing on the negative stuff and slowly fell asleep to probably dream about murdering me.

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