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"You excited to see your mom today, Sprout?" I ask, brushing her hair back into a ponytail

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"You excited to see your mom today, Sprout?" I ask, brushing her hair back into a ponytail.

Skye shakes her head, and frowns as she plays with her toys.

I raise an eyebrow. "And why's that?" I ask. 

"Because she's always busy," she says softly.

Skye places her toy down and lowers her head.

"Why do I have to go there if she never wants to spend time with me?"

Her voice is low, and there's a sad tone that sends a knife running through my heart.

I never had the best track record with her mom.

We argued almost every time we saw each other, but I still tried to keep things classy like a responsible adult.

Not for her, but for Skye– however this women always had to test me and get on my nerves. But that didn't mean I was going to let my hatred for that women ruin their mother daughter relationship.

I'm not cruel, just a over protective single father. 

Now that she's starting to re-build her new life with her new boyfriend and his children, it feels like she's pushing her own daughter away to make room for his.

She wants to forget about the life she once had, and put more energy into making the life she wanted– and I'm sad to say that my Sprout isn't a part of that. 

"That's not true." I force a smile on my face, trying not to give away anything.

"I'm sure your mom is trying her best." I nod as I place my hands on her shoulders.

"I don't feel like she is," she replies.

I turn her around so that she's facing me and squat down, meeting her sad eyes. "Look, Sprout," I say gently, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "Sometimes adults, even moms, get so caught up in their worries and problems that they might seem distant."

"But believe me, she loves you."

She doesn't look up from her toys, "Then why doesn't it feel like it?"

God, this girl really knows how to pull my heart strings without even trying.

I sigh, weighing my words carefully. "Love can be... complicated."

"Everyone has their way of showing it, and maybe to her... she's showing it in the best way she can." 

She lifts her head and the smile she had just a couple hours ago were wiped off, never to be seen. "I just want her to be here, like you always are." She says, pointing at me.

Wrapping her in a warm embrace, I murmur, "I understand, Sprout." 

"I'm right here, I'll always be right here." I press a kiss on the top of her forehead.

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