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I sat alone in the living room, my fingers flying across the keyboard of my laptop as I delved deeper into coding

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I sat alone in the living room, my fingers flying across the keyboard of my laptop as I delved deeper into coding. 

My concentration was broken by my phone ringing, and I saw it was a call from Abidemi. 

Quickly I answered and I heard her voice, slurring and barely coherent.

Which shocked me since I don't think I've ever seen her drunk, and I mean ever. 

Maybe a little tipsy, and giggly but this?

This was another level.

My sister must've been feeding her drinks all evening or something. 

I put down my book and leaned forward in my chair, ready to grab my keys in case something was really wrong. 

But I trusted Domenique to take care of herself and Abidemi even while drunk.

"Abidemi, did you mean to call me?" I asked, propping my feet up on the coffee table.

She giggled, and the sound warmed my heart.

It was like a melody I had long forgotten, but now it filled the room and my soul with joy.

I missed hearing her laughter more than anything else in the world. 

It had been too long since I had seen her smile, heard her voice, felt her touch.

And yet, here we were.

Why did it take us so long to fix things between us? 

I couldn't even remember the reason for our falling out.

 All I knew was that I couldn't imagine going through life without her. 

Without that sound.

"Yes, I just came to tell you..." 

Her voice was low and hesitant as she spoke through the phone, trying to keep our conversation private. 

I could hear the faint sound of my sister's voice in the background. 

Curiosity peaked, I leaned back on my couch and ran a hand through my hair as I waited for her to continue. 

"We're on our way home," she finally said, an unmistakable smile evident in her tone. 

"I'm glad, I missed you," I confessed, setting my book down and adjusting my position. 

She giggled in response, and a smiled tugged at my lips. 

"When I get back, I want you to fuck me because of how much you miss me." She whispered like it was a scandalous secret. 

My eyebrow raised in amusement, "Is that right?" 

Yep," Her lips popped with excitement, and I couldn't help but imagine her mischievous expression. 

"And I want to be for you to let me cum" she continued playfully. 

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