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Before I knew it, time had passed by in a blur, and I was thoroughly enjoying myself at this party, just like all the other kids

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Before I knew it, time had passed by in a blur, and I was thoroughly enjoying myself at this party, just like all the other kids.

As the sun began to set, the sky transformed into a beautiful array of colors, illuminated even more by the lights I had hung up in the backyard.

Glittering stars and heart-shaped decorations adorned the ground and house, which only made the kids more excited for this party.

There parents were going to have hell trying to get them home later, and I am not sorry about it.

I took a quick glance at my phone and gave a satisfied nod.

It was almost time to end the party, and what better way to do it than with a princess cake that looked exactly like Skye?

"I think it's about time for me to go get the cake." He looked at me with a hint of concern as he took a bite from his cotton candy pig.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to give them cake right now?" he asked, gesturing towards the children running around in the backyard, already hyped up on sugar. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Domenic's lack of enthusiasm. 

"Come on, Dom, the cake was a special surprise for her," I reminded him as he continued to eat his cotton candy with a skeptical expression.

Walking towards him, I placed a hand on his forearm in a reassuring gesture. 

"She'll love it," I said with a soft smile.

He sighed and shrugged. "Okay, but if she starts bouncing off walls tonight, you're taking the blame." He joked, giving me a playful glare.

Laughing softly, I agreed. "Deal." Giving him a quick kiss, I headed to my car using the side exit, got into my car, and then drove around to the back entrance.

Domenic's place wasn't too far from the bakery, but with the traffic, it felt like a never-ending drive. I prayed that when I came back, the roads would be less congested, but in the back of my head, I knew that was a tough ask.

After parking my car, I reached for my purse in the console and fixed my appearance.

My hair was still a glittery mess, and there was a unicorn drawn on the side of my face, and my wrists were littered with countless bracelets gifted to me by Skye.

I must have looked crazy right now, but her happiness was all that mattered. I was willing to do anything and everything for just a moment, even a split second, of her joy.

I strode to the front, swung the door open, and made my way to the pickup station with a grin on my face, standing tall and proud.

"Hey Hannah, I'm here to pick up my order," I said to the young woman with short brown hair working at the front counter.

She looked up from her phone and her expression shifted from a smile to one of slight stress.

This bakery was my absolute favorite, above all others.

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