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We stepped into the exquisitely decorated ballroom, admiring its beauty

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We stepped into the exquisitely decorated ballroom, admiring its beauty.

"Amazing!" Domenic whispered, his eyes scanning the room.

I was of course not surprised, because I knew that Eniola Okoro would once again deliver one of the most spectacular galas on this side of New York.

She always does.

It's what she's known for.

And why would she disappoint us now?

"Well, Nini is exceptional at her job of hosting these grand events," I said, and we continued to make our way towards the center of the ballroom.

Suddenly, we were stopped by Ms. Genevie St. Clair, my former agent, who I had cut off all contact with after taking a year-long break from the modeling industry.

She used to be in charge of my career, but ultimately she, along with my mummy, contributed to my deteriorating mental state.

Unfortunately, my mummy seemed to care a little bit more about it than she did.

"Abidemi, darling!" she exclaimed, reaching out for a hug.

Out of politeness, I hugged her back, despite my dislike for her. 

However, I made sure not to show– she didn't need to know that I disliked her.

"It's been ages since I've seen you," she said, patting me on the back. "You look great."

As we pulled away from the hug, I smiled and was about to thank her when she had to ruin it, as always.

"But it seems like you've gained a dress size," she commented, tapping her chin as she looked at my outfit.

My smile almost dropped, but I tried my best not to show any sign of being hurt. 

I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing she had gotten to me.

"Well, it's nothing a little exercise can't fix," she joked smugly.

I forced a smile and said, "Still as funny as ever." I said with a fake smile plastered on my face.

She smiled back and sat down, clasping her hands together in her lap. "I try to be," she responds.

Our smiles were as phony as the hair on her head and the ring on her finger.

Unlike her, I don't find satisfaction in belittling others.

She caught the attention of Domenic, who had been avoiding this whole interaction but was still listening intently.

"My boyfriend," I say proudly, resting my head on his shoulder.

She seems surprised, "Boyfriend?" She asks with her eyebrow raised, and I nod.

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