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"Is everything under control now?" I ask my team

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"Is everything under control now?" I ask my team.

"Yes, we've managed to patch the vulnerability," one of my team members responds confidently.

"How did the breach happen in the first place?" I asking, wanting to ensure this doesn't repeat.

"We're still analyzing the logs, but it looks like there was a zero-day exploit that we missed during our last update," another explains, their fingers flying over the keyboard as they pull up the relevant data.

I nod, taking in everything they were saying.

"Let's go over our incident response procedure once more."

"We can't afford any slip-ups, especially with our client's data," I say, my voice firm with the weight of responsibility.

"Absolutely," says the team leader. "We'll also schedule a meeting to review our security protocols."


"And let's keep monitoring for any unusual activity, I want updates every hour until we're certain the system is secure," I say firmly.

The team nods in agreement, their expressions serious but determined. "We're on it," they assure me, turning back to their monitors, ready to defend against any further threats.

I feel relieved, and I give them the signal to leave and they begin to pack up their things, leaving my alone in the board room for a while.

I gather my papers and return them to their folder, then proceed back to my office.

After shutting the door behind me, I place the folder on my desk.

With a weary sigh, I sink into my chair.

My eyes drift over to the time, and I see that it's practically midnight.


Didn't I tell Abidemi that I would be meeting her at my parents house for dinner? She must be so fucking pissed at me right now, and so must my mother.

When I get home, I know for a fact I am in for it.

I grab my phone and turn it back on, and my eyes widen at all the missed calls that I've gotten from Abidemi.... as well as my mother.

Hell I even got one from Inés, which makes my brows furrow deeply.

What the fuck happened tonight? Surely... it couldn't have been that bad.


I shake my head, turn off my phone, and hastily pack my belongings.

What am I even saying?

This is my mother we're talking about here, and for some reason she has this  fixation on me and Inés salvaging our marriage, even though she knows what that woman did to me and Sprout, but still she continues to push for reconciliation, as if I'm the one who did wrong in this relationship.

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