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I find myself standing at the front door, my heart pounding in my chest, my hands clenched tightly around the strap of my bag

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I find myself standing at the front door, my heart pounding in my chest, my hands clenched tightly around the strap of my bag.

It's been roughly two weeks since I last laid eyes on Domonic.

During that time, we've still been talking with each other but he hasn't uttered a word about the conversation he was supposed to have with his mother.

He'd assured me multiple times that he was working on things with her, but deep down, I can't shake the feeling that this isn't something easily fixed.

It feels like one day he's going to have to make a choice, one that could force him to decide between me and his mother.

As much as I love him, I can't bear the thought of him choosing me over the woman who plays a significant female role in Skye's life, the only female figure who has shown her some positive influence.

Despite my disagreements with some of her actions.

I linger at the doorstep, my hesitation growing as I try to summon the courage to knock.

It's not that I'm afraid of seeing him.

I think t's more that I know once I do, my anger will dissipate, and all I'll want is to throw myself into his arms, catching up on the two weeks we've spent apart.

But I can't allow myself to do that.

I have to put on my big girls pants and tough it out. 

For myself.

My hand rises, knocking on the door, a deliberate, measured tap.

I return it to my purse strap, clutching it tightly.

I'm surprised the pleather hasn't given way entirely.

After a brief pause, the door cracks open, Domonic visible only partially, engrossed in a playful conversation exchange with Skye, his voice echoing down the hall.

I bite my inner cheek, suppressing a smile, maintaining a facade to convey that I'm holding up fine without him

But deep down, I think everyone knows by now that I do better with him by my side than with me alone.

He's become my rock and an addition to the support system that I thought only consisted of Nini and a pint of ice cream.

Domenic finally swings the door wide, his disheveled hair a testament to weeks of not taking care of it. 

Stubble has overtaken his face more than I'm accustomed to, and despite a brimming coffee mug, exhaustion still clings to him.

"So sorry, I was—" his words trail off as he lifts his head and unexpectedly locks eyes with me.

His widened gaze reflects surprise at my presence.

I stare back, trying to keep myself as stone-faced as possible.

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