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Today's the day

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Today's the day.

The day my girls had been waiting for.

The day where I got see both of them on stage, shining like the stars they both are.

They had spent hours, days, weeks perfecting every twirl, every smile. The late-night rehearsals, the dance lessons, the drain.

I had tried to distance myself, not wanting my personal biases to cloud my judgment, but they were my heart.

And today, their dreams were my dreams.

I wanted to them to win, badly then they wanted it.

I could already visualize the giant trophy, gleaming and bold, in their hands and a pang of fear passed through me, and if they didn't win would all this hard work be for nothing?

Immediately, I shook my head and rid myself of tht thought.

My sprout is not going to come back empty-handed.

In fact is going to win and be the best damn pageant this side of New York has ever seen.

And who knows?

Maybe this might spark a new light in her, and she might do this for fun in the future, just like Abidemi.

Just like a daughter would do when she looks up to her mother.

Jesus christ, I needed to compose myself.

I promised Abidemi I'd stay calm, and wouldn't do anything too over the top for tonight. I took a deep, steadying breath and raised a hand to tap gently on the dressing room door.

The door swung open, revealing Abidemi in all her grace.

She wore a white silk robe that contrasted beautifully with her deep, melanin-rich skin. Her hair, braids were twisted into a bun. But I didn't care about how she looked, what drew me in was her smile– that warm, mesmerizing smile –that always somehow drew me in, like a siren song to a silor.

It brought me back to when we first met, a memory forever etched in my brain, a moment that seemed so simple, yet so profound.

With Inés, things were so different... we had shared moments, of course, but nothing quite as large as the ones I have now.

Abidemi was an energy that pulled me in with an intensity I'd never felt before.

And as she stares at me, those deep brown eyes studying my face, I realized I was lost in her world once again.

The glint in her eyes teases me as she tilts her head. "See something you like, Mr. Pétron?"

"Yes, I do." The corner of my mouth quirks upwards, a mischievous glint answering hers.

"Yes, I do."

She arches a playful brow, and rolling her eyes, before my smile get one from her in return.

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