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I carefully removed the chicken from the oven and set it on the counter

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I carefully removed the chicken from the oven and set it on the counter. With a sigh of relief, I took off my oven mitts and tossed them onto the counter before readjusting my apron. While I waited for the chicken to cool, I grabbed a pitcher and began preparing some ice tea.

Once it was ready, I placed it in the refrigerator to chill until it was time to serve.

I stared at the meal I had made, feeling satisfied with the result. A platter of baked lemon garlic chicken sat next to a bed of roasted vegetables, with a side of mashed potatoes and quinoa salad.

As much as I wanted to cook something Nigerian for them, I remembered Domenic's reaction from our last dinner and didn't want to risk any spice-induced casualties.

So I opted for a dish that I thought they would enjoy.

Or at least I hoped they'd enjoy this.

Domenic came down the stairs with Skye on his shoulders, both of them beaming with joy. Skye was still in her pajamas, Domenic's hair was a mess, and she was still not dressed either, but it didn't seem to bother them.

I stood with my hands on my hips, glaring at both of them. They simply smiled back at me. "What smells so good?" he asked, moving towards me to find the source.

I finished cleaning off my hands with a rag and said, "It's the food." I quickly moved to stand in front of him, trying to block his view.

"Now would either of you like to explain why neither of you are dressed?" I gestured between the two of them, placing my hands on my hips as I gave them a disapproving look.

"Skye was just begging me for another round," Domenic said, pointing towards her.

She furrowed her brow. "That's not true."

"Daddy's lying." She glared at me with frustration and anger evident in her expression.

I struggled to contain my laughter, especially with that stupid face Domenic was making, which definitely didn't help me.

He shook his head and said, "No, Skye's the one who's lying."

She was about to argue, but I silenced her with a shake of my head. "Like father, like daughter," I muttered, causing her to fold her arms and pout.

"But you both should still be getting dressed," I said firmly. "Your parents are going to be here soon."

I walked towards the oven, feeling anxious as I opened it to check on the other chicken I made. I couldn't help but wonder if it would be good enough for them and if I had added the right amount of garlic.

Shaking my head, I closed the door and moved on to the pots on the stove. Stirring the vegetables to prevent them from burning, I also stirred the quinoa, trying to juggle multiple tasks at once in an attempt to make the most delicious dinner.

Just A Little While Laterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें