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Tears streamed down my face, "She called me mom Domenic

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Tears streamed down my face, "She called me mom Domenic." I murmured,

He wrap his arms around me, his warmth radiating as his lips brushed my forehead. "She did," he whispered softly, his voice soothing.

I glanced up, taking a moment to breathe, "Having both of you has filled a void I didn't even know existed." I sniffled, carefully wiping the tears from my eyes.

My makeup was a mess, but it was definitely fixable, and I had time.

"I am so glad the both of you are in my life," I told him as I stared into his eyes.

Our eyes locked, a wordless dance of understanding.

His chuckle broke the trance. "We feel the same about you."

With a shaky laugh, I turned to my vanity. "I'm going to go take some pictures, and then we're all going to my parents house for  dinner," I told him.

His playful smirk caught my reflection. "Already meeting the in-laws?"

A sly grin formed as I applied my lipstick. "My mom sensed something different in me," I told him, smiling as I looked back.

He crosses his arms, listening to me. "She's eager to meet the man who's changed her daughter." I pointed in his direction.

"So we're going to eat good Nigerian food tonight." I exclaim.

"I hope you can handle it."

He puffed up his chest. "I'm Italian."

"Food is in my blood."

I make a face, pursing my lips and nodding my head slowly. "Right..."

Dusting off the final touches, I headed for the door. Pausing for a fleeting moment, I leaned in, our lips brushing. "I won't be long," I whispered.

His voice, laced with anticipation, trailed after me. "I'll be waiting."

Exiting the room, my heart swelled, and I paused to soak in the emotion of the moment.

Each day, our intertwined fingers and lingering glances pull at my heartstrings.

The one-year plan feels like an eternity when every stolen moment with him adds fuel to the flame.

I draw a deep breath, trying to ready myself for the photos

In just a few months, there will be no more waiting, and he'll be forever by my side.

Just a couple more months.

I can wait a couple more months.

⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺

We take pictures, and I even get to sign some autograph for the girls.

After the event, me and Skye changed out of dresses, took off the makeup, and replaced all of that with something more comfortable.

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