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Domenic looks over my shoulder, eyebrows raised

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Domenic looks over my shoulder, eyebrows raised. "So, are you ready?" He utters softly.

I shake my head. "Why do you keep checking in on me like that?"

"I promise you, I'm fully prepared and ready for this pageant."

I muster a confident smile. "I'm confident that me and Skye can handle ourselves." He takes a moment to absorb my words before giving a thoughtful nod.

I've been in pageants twirling on stages since the age of three, and I'm quite sure that I won't have a problem with this one.

My attention returns to the stove, adjusting the knob just enough to let the sauce simmer on a low heat instead of it bubbling.

I turn and press my hands against his chest and look up at him. "The only thing we need you to do is make sure we win," I joke.

"Oh, trust me, I will," he promises, such seriousness marked into every feature.

I wag a single finger in front of him. "In a fair way."

Domenic goes silent, then looks away. "What exactly do you mean by that?" He mumbles.

A light laugh bubbles up as I shake my head at the big oaf I've grown accustomed to.

It's heartwarming to witness his genuine concern for both of us, but I want Skye to enjoy her victory for the right reasons, and if she found out her father won simply because he paid or threatened someone, then that would steal her joy, turning her genuine excitement into a hollow victory.

And that's not what I want for her.

After all, what's the joy in winning if it's not fair and competitive? All I want her is to have as much fun doing this with me as I did when I was younger.

"You are too much for me to handle right now." I smile, redirecting my attention to the chopping board where I mince vegetables.

Domenic leans casually against the counter. "Oh, come on, think about the smile on her face," he says, and I don't face him, I just keep mincing.

"Or the lifelong trauma you'll give her," I say in a nonchalant manner.

His eyes widen in shock. "What?" He exclaims.

Slowly, my head turns to meet his, and the expression on his face is priceless.

Laughter bubbles up within me, and he watches me, his concern evident.

After a moment, I calmed down and flashed a smile at him. "I'm just teasing," I assure him, suppressing a chuckle. "You really need to lighten up Domenic."

He narrows his eyes at me before turning his head away.

He shakes his head, a playful smirk on his lips. "You're impossible."

I wink at him, "Yet you still put up with me."

"What does that say about you?" I smile, and he shakes his head at me and returns back to watching me cook.

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