~Chapter 17~

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Unedited chapter ahead!! You may find some errors. Feel free to correct me in comments.

<: Happy Reading :>



It's been a two weeks since I've got married and to be honest I've laughed more than I've done in my life.

It's not like I don't laugh or something like that. But not that full whole hearted laughter.
Because I, for some reason believe that laughing loudly makes me look ugly, but who cares?
Because, that husband of mine is anything but judgemental.

He's a great human. And I'm not lying when I say that if he would've been the first guy in my life, I would've gladly accepted this relationship.

The only problem is I haven't gotten over my past and all the frustration is vented out on my present.
But he, not even once, said anything against it.

He has just gone after making me eat lunch. It's something new that has happened in my life, that he comes everyday with lunch and we have it together. More like, me saying no and he requesting me and then he feeding me.

He comes on any time, whenever he's free. But he makes sure, that he comes. For me.

That was so strange of me. That I allowed him to feed me. And when Kriti came to know about it, she and mom video called me to make me hear their excitement filled screams and telling me all the perks about him being my husband.

They say that it's good that I'm moving on. But only if they knew.

It's so difficult to do so. And you all know what's more difficult? Following my plan of hating him.

Because it's like, I can do anything in the world without any ounce of guilt, but hating him? It's impossible without feeling the guilt of hurting a person, who has done nothing except being nice to me.

Now, don't come at me, as to how can I have so drastic change. It's natural, at least I'm not having a change of heart with a single touch.
Ok enough about my marriage let me work now. Because it's a weekend, so I won't be coming office tomorrow, which means whole day with the family. And this time it's my other family.



I'm sure that Krisha doesn't hate me. I feel bad because I've finally realized what was my mistake.

I didn't give her time to overcome her past. And that's the reason she can't accept the present which is in a way forced on her.

That's why, I'm doing the best thing. Giving her time.
I agree that it should've been done before the wedding, but I was so excited about her being my wife that I didn't pay much attention to it.

And also, I had a fear. That if I don't marry her and then she marries someone else. The regret would've been the end of me.

I know that it's not a film where she would fall in love with me after the second meet.

You have stages of falling in love. And first is friendship. So I want to start from being friends with her first.

She knows I love her and that's enough.

I just don't want her to give up on us, and everything would be fine just as time passes.

It's currently night time and I'm driving back home. I didn't have much patients nor any surgeries today. So I'm early than everyday. Mom would be happy.

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