2~ WTF happened?

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⚠️ mentions of family abuse but not too much

6 Years later... (Siri 24 and Jimin 25 years old now)

Siri's POV

I'm currently sitting in my favourite cafe having a blueberry muffin along with my favourite caramel macchiato coffee.

I'm so glad my exams are over and I can just relax now— well, sort of...

Five years of studying was fucking hard.

Dentistry. I'm going to be a qualified dentist soon... As well as another thing I will be soon...

I sighed out loudly and depressingly. This is not how I thought my life would turn out. It's not what I wanted to do but I didn't really have a choice. Especially after getting out of prison.

That's right. Prison.

I got caught one day and was sentenced to 11 months in prison for my petty thievery. That's one year if you include the one month I had in jail before getting convicted.

My mother didn't bother to bail me out. And I knew he couldn't pay for my bail since we didn't have that kind of money. My mother visited me once while I was in jail to tell me I deserved to be in prison. She told me she wanted me to learn my lesson for running away and for obviously resorting to petty crime.

How could I not run away, though? She's a fucking horrible mother. Nothing I did was ever good enough. I was either too fat or too skinny and she wouldn't feed me some days when she thought I was too fat. In highschool, if my grades were anything less than an A then I was punished by getting locked up in my bedroom with no food or I got physically abused— whichever one she preferred at the time, or even both.

Sadly, my father wasn't able to save me from her. He tried to, though. When I was 14 years old he was so close to taking me away with him so we could run away together and make a new life away from my psycho controlling mother.
Except she caught us when we were about to leave. She threatened my father with a gun I didn't even know she had. She told him that I had to stay but he could go. She said she didn't need him anymore but she needed me. She had plans for me apparently. I begged my father to take me with him but I knew he couldn't. Not when my psycho mother aimed the gun at him.

Turns out my mother was actually part of this mafia syndicate called the Matrix. I found out all of this when I was escorted by some men I had never met after I got out of prison. I was taken to my mother's new big ass mansion that she owns with her new husband, Hugo Smith. He's my step-father now as my mother married him sometime during the year that I was away living with 'him'.

Her role as a real estate agent and a 'dedicated' and 'devoted' mother whose 'husband left her' was just a cover to the 'normal' and 'below average' people who were 'lesser' than her. She actually helped Hugo find new real estate where he could make his illegal products and run his dirty businesses— all with her by his side as some type of Mafia Queen.

Unfortunately for me, when I got out of prison I was put on probation for one year and I was forced to live with my psycho controlling mother again since she was the only person who could 'supervise' me.

My mother and step-father made 'arrangements' for me to go to a university, however. Probably threatened, bribed or blackmailed the Dean to allow me in. My mother told me I had to choose law or something in the medical field. Something that was 'respectable'. I was surprised I was even given an option in all honesty, so I went with dentistry. It was fewer years of studying compared to law or medicine.
Would've been a veterinarian if I could so I could help the abandoned cats and dogs I see sometimes, but my mother said that wasn't good enough.

The Wrong Girl • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now