35~ Sharing is caring

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A month has passed since Jimin got his memories back and a lot has happened in that time. One of the main topics that had everyone buzzing in the Bangtan household was Jimin and Siri's wedding.

Jimin put the engagement ring back on Siri's finger after he asked Jin to drive through McDonalds (before they went back to Yeri's apartment to set up the liquor bottles around her). The next day, the lovers discussed with their friends that they wanted their wedding to be as soon as possible. Life's too short and they wanted their own place already– which Yoongi totally agreed with because he didn't want his sleep ruined any more than it needed to be.

It was decided their wedding would be at the Marriott hotel rather than at the Bangtan home as they all knew Jimin and Siri would need their privacy since they would most likely be fucking all night. 

Seeing as the couple were well off from Siri's hospital payout, Jimin's Bangtan savings and with Bangtan's influence and connections, a date had been set for a month later. On October 13th; Jimin's birthday.

So he can't ever forget it.

But also, Jimin thought marrying the love of his life on his birthday would be the best birthday gift he'd ever have.

When the topic of the bridal party came up, Jimin and Siri decided to have just one person on each side as there would be an odd number on one side. It was a no-brainer Taehyung would be Jimin's Bestman, but for Siri... Well, Jin and Jungkook had argued back and forth on why they would be better for the Man of Honour role.

The argument had gotten so out of hand, it got to the point where Jin and Jungkook were fighting each other with the lounge pillows...

"I'm closer to Noona than you are! We actually cuddle!"

"It's not about who cuddles her the most!"  ~whack!~  "She confides in me and tells me things!"

"She tells me things, too!"

"When?! When you're fast asleep on her lap with her fingers through your hair?! You're more like her pet, Kook!"  ~Whack!~

"So what?! Still means I'm close to her! What do people do when they have pets? They talk to them like they can listen– except I can actually listen!"  ~Whack!~

"Can't you two just share the role?" Hobi asked as he looked at the two like they were insane. He was also worried they were going to cause a mess which he did not want to clean up.

"NO!" Both Jin and Jungkook shouted back angrily at the same time which made Hobi flinch back with shock. They both wanted to have a main role in the wedding as they felt they were important in Siri's life. 

"You do realise I'm going easy on you, right? I could literally kill you in three seconds!"
~Whack! Whack!~

"You wouldn't kill me! You'd lose your precious Noona if you did!" Jin poked his tongue out and then... ~Whack!~

"Seriously, Jin-hyung," Namjoon said with an unimpressed expression, "I sometimes think your maturity level is the same as Kook's... or younger..."

"Age is just a number!" Jin quickly replied as he hit Jungkook in the head. "I'm ageless!   ~Whack!~   Forever 21! Oomph! Yah– you little shit! Not my handsome face!"

"Your face may be ageless but that doesn't mean your stamina and body is!" Jungkook swiftly grabbed another pillow so he had one in each hand, then he quickly swung them at Jin's head and stomach like they were nunchucks.
~Whack, whack, whack, whack, whack!~

"Guys, stop!" Siri interrupted their fight. "I have an idea!"

Both Jin and Jungkook paused what they were doing to look at Siri. They were both heaving up and down to catch their breaths with their pillows frozen mid air.

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