36~ Forever you and I

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(How our man looks now. I honestly love blonde Jimin. It's my favourite colour on him).

 It's my favourite colour on him)

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"Fuck– Tae, can you slap me? I feel like all this isn't really happening. Like I'm in a dream."

"I'll slap you if that's what you really want?" Yoongi chimed in with a smirk.

Jimin was getting ready for his big day with Siri and was understandably nervous. He had his Bestman with him of course, but a bored Yoongi wanted to hang around and annoy them.

Jin was busy rehearsing his speech as the very important celebrant/officiant, while Namjoon was making sure the hotel was well guarded, and Hobi went to see how the Fire-cracker was going with the maknae and Taeyang.

Ignoring the teasing grumpy cat, Taehyung gave his signature boxy smile while he shook his head at his nervous brother, "Trust me, Jiminie, it's very real and it's really happening." He adjusted Jimin's tie so it looked nice then brushed off any fluff on Jimin's suit, "You're finally gonna marry the love of your life, man!"

"Yeah," Jimin breathed out shakily with a chuckle as he ran his hand through his blonde hair, "it's been a long time coming. Six years too long."

"Dude," Taehyung scolded as he playfully whacked Jimin's hand away from his face and fixed his hair again, "stop running your hand through your damn hair. This is like the fifth time I've had to fix it."

"Sorry, I can't help it. I'm fuckin' nervous."

"Why? Getting cold feet?" Yoongi teased, wanting to be a shit stirrer as usual. 

"No, of course not," Jimin retorted. "It's just... I'm not used to getting what I want. Something usually goes wrong. Right when I get my hopes up or think we could last forever, the moment gets taken away from me. I just... I don't want to lose her again. It would break me..."

Yoongi became sympathetic after that explanation and nodded as he understood Jimin did have a real concern. 

"Hey, look at me," Taehyung held Jimin's face and looked into his eyes earnestly (without trying to hypnotise him), "Trust me when I say that you and Siri will get your happy ending. Nothing will go wrong today and you two won't have any more obstacles ahead. I can feel it."

Jimin's heart skipped a beat because he really liked the sound of that. A happy ending? No more obstacles? It almost sounded too good to be true.

"You sound so sure of that, Tae."

"Coz I am. I promise you. The hard part is over for you two. You've both had your bad run, now it's time for the good stuff. Now it's time for your forever."

Jimin felt calmer upon hearing Taehyung's certainty. He felt reassured. This was it for him and Siri. Their happy ending was here for real.

Jimin breathed in deeply and exhaled his worries away. He nodded, "Thanks, Tae. Needed to hear that."

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