17~ Trauma

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Friday... the day before the Club Tempo plan...

Siri had just finished another work-out at the personal gym Bangtan had and was walking past the pool area where all the guys were. It was a hot sunny day and the guys wanted some more chill time before things would get serious tomorrow night.  

Hoseok and Taehyung were in the pool while the others were on some lounge chairs just chatting with some beers in hand. Yoongi still had his shirt on as he wanted to keep his pale complexion, while Jimin still had his shirt on as he didn't want Siri to see his Serenity tattoo. Not yet anyway.

Siri kept a good distance away from the pool when she walked past as she didn't want to accidentally slip in and she didn't want the guys to get any ideas of pushing her in.

"Noona! You gonna swim with us?" Jungkook asked Siri as they passed each other, him coming back from a toilet break.

"Oh no, no. I don't swim anymore, but you have your fun Kookie." She smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder, then side-stepped to walk past him. 

Jimin sat up straight at hearing that. He thought it was weird Siri said she didn't swim. He can remember a few times in the past where they snuck into rich people's swimming pools when it was late at night. Skinny dipped and fucked in them. They had also taken a bus out to the beach a couple times for dates and to go for a swim. And to maybe have sex on the beach as well.

"Aww, come on Noona! It's a hot day! Come swim!" Jungkook grabbed Siri's hand and tried to work his charms on her as he pulled her along with him. "You can just swim in your lingerie. Or even go nude! None of us would mind," he grinned cheekily.

I would fuckin' mind, you flirty little shit, Jimin thought to himself as he did a side-eye glare at Jungkook's backside while taking a sip of his beer.

Siri's anxiety skyrocketed as Jungkook pulled her closer to the pool and she tried to use her body weight to hold herself back. "No, I'm fine Kookie, really! I don't wanna swim," she said quickly and nervously.

Jimin paid full attention to Siri now as he could hear the hesitancy in her voice. As soon as he saw her body language, he knew something was wrong. He could see her small form try to pull back but Jungkook's strong muscular build was no match for her.

And then Jimin's heart accelerated with worry once he saw the absolute fear in Siri's eyes when Jungkook picked her up bridal style, bunny smile on his face as he clearly couldn't tell that the woman in his arms was frightened.



All the guys looked to where Jungkook jumped into the pool with Siri, confused as hell that she screamed like that. And they were even more confused when they saw her struggling to swim. Except Jimin. 

Once he saw that scared look on her face, Jimin jumped straight into the pool within milliseconds after Jungkook was practically mid-air of his jump and he started swimming towards where Jungkook and Siri would be.

Siri, in her panic, screamed when she was under the water. All those waterboarding memories flashed through her mind and she had completely forgotten how to swim. The exact same thing happened once when one of her step-father's men pushed her into the house pool for a joke. Luckily, Taeyang was there and quickly jumped in to save her when he realised Siri wasn't coming back up for air. That was the last time Siri went 'swimming,' and it was how she realised she couldn't swim anymore.

Her body flailed in the water which alerted Jungkook to drop his playfulness and lift her up quickly so her head was above the water. But the moment he held her, he also got a punch to his pretty face.

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