16~ The Truth Untold

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🌟 Jimin's POV 🌟 – Back to when Siri got caught – Back to being black haired Jimin.

I watched as Siri was placed into the police car and then I was shit scared when they went to check the cars around. I hid myself underneath the jacket I was going to steal but then not long after, I heard the police car start up and it drove off.

That was weird... They didn't even inspect the other cars properly...

I didn't have time to think about how weird that was as adrenaline rushed through me and I had to go after Siri. I quickly got out of the car I broke into and started running after the police car as soon as I saw it turn the corner as I didn't want the police to see me.

Just after I turned the corner, I was roughly grabbed by someone and pulled into an alleyway.

"Ahh! The fuck? Let me go!" I yelled at whoever grabbed me, trying to punch at him where I could in the dark.

"Min! Stop fighting! It's me!" The man said as he tried to stop my hits. He pulled me to the end of the alleyway where the light from the neighbouring building shone down so I could see his face.

I gasped, "Taeyangie-hyung?!" He was my big brother in the orphanage. He looked after Taehyung and I when we were younger. When Taehyung got adopted, Taeyang was my one and only friend and brother. He kept me safe from the caretakers while he was around until he had to leave when he turned 18.

"Yes it's me, Min. But you gotta listen coz I don't have a lot of time to explain. You're in trouble. You need to go home, pack your shit and run– as far away as you can."

"What?? Sorry Hyung but I have to go after my girlfriend– she needs me." I tried to push past Taeyang as I was in a rush to go after the police car. As much as I missed Taeyang, I love Siri more.

She's my whole fucking world and I can't live without her. She gave my life meaning. Made it more exciting and rosy. Made me feel like I was deserving of love. She saved me from myself because I wasn't in a good place when she and I first met. I have to be there for her through this shitty scary time just like she's been there for me. 

I knew she'd be shitting herself in that police car and would want some comforting words, so I had to go to her.

"No! Min– listen to me! You're not safe. You have to run home now, pack whatever you can and leave."

"What? Why?" I didn't understand. I haven't seen Taeyang in years and he suddenly pops out and tells me I have to run away??

"You're in danger, Min. Your girlfriend's mother has friends in high places. She set the police up to arrest her."

My jaw dropped, "What?! Siri's mother organised this??"

"Yes. And she wants you dead, Min."

Holy shit. Siri's mother wants me dead?? I couldn't believe this. "How do you know all this, Hyung?"

"You're not gonna believe this but I'm one of the men sent to kill you." My eyes bulged out of my head but he quickly said, "She doesn't know I know you, Min! And I want to save you so hurry home and run."

My mind went haywire trying to process all of this. My heart was racing and I didn't know what to do. "Where the hell am I supposed to go?! I don't have a lot of money and I'm not leaving without Siri."

Just then, Taeyang's phone rang. He took the call while I was still trying to process everything. After his call he hung up and told me one more time to go home and pack.

"I'll meet you back at your place so I can help you get a head start."

"Wait– how do you even know where I live??"

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