22~ Fly high

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Siri's POV

He's gone.

Jimin's been gone all day and I've been stressed out to the max because I haven't heard from him.

"I was pregnant, Chim... We made a baby..."

After saying that to him, I felt him freeze and his breathing stopped. He was obviously shocked to hear it and it made me panic. And when I panic– like when I was tied to the chair, I tend to word vomit– so I blurted out everything that happened. 

I recounted when and what happened at the hospital. Told him it was an ectopic pregnancy and I explained what that was. I mentioned that the doctors fucked up and made me infertile. Told him I tried to tell him at the time and that I didn't want him to feel bad that he never got the message. 

I cried and begged him to not blame himself because I understood why he wasn't there now. He had no choice but to run away and he did try to go back for me but couldn't get to me. I wasn't angry with him anymore when he had no choice during that time. 

He didn't say anything throughout my story. Just hugged me close. I think he was too stunned to speak and there was a lot to process.

When I asked him to say something, he could only say that he was glad I was okay and that he needed time to process everything. I completely understood, but it made me anxious and scared that I was losing more of him already.

Jimin obviously needed space as well as time away from me since he's been gone all day. It made me worry even more about our relationship. I know we promised to have faith and believe in one another, but with the way he reacted, his absence all day, and with no contact at all, I could only think of the worst.

I spent the day with Jungkook and Yoongi where they taught me a few of their specialties. Jungkook taught me some boxing and defence moves, while Yoongi showed me how to use a gun if I ever needed to use one. It was nice that they suggested doing things with me as it helped keep my worries at bay.

But something was up with the guys. They knew something was wrong as they were all acting strange– except for Taehyung and Jin who had been missing all day with Jimin.

Now it was dinner time and I still hadn't heard from him... until now...

Ding ding    My phone went off indicating I had a message. My heart dropped at what I read.

ChimChim 🥰:
We need to talk.
Come out the back
past the pool.

Dread filled me up. Nothing good ever comes from 'we need to talk.'

He's going to break up with me, isn't he? He doesn't want to be with me anymore now that he knows I'm infertile.

I knew it. I knew telling him about the pregnancy and my infertility would freak him out. 

Jimin's POV

"I was pregnant, Chim... We made a baby..."

Hearing what happened to Siri absolutely broke my heart. I was speechless and didn't know what to say. Her story went from bad to worse and I had never felt more of a failure until after I heard everything.

Even though Siri tried to reassure me she wasn't angry with me anymore, I couldn't help but think that she should still hate me. She shouldn't want anything to do with me. I wasn't there for her when she needed me. I wasn't there for her or our baby. She was all alone during a scary time and I. Wasn't. There

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