24~ Never again

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"Stay in the car! What part of that didn't you understand, Siri?!"

Siri's heart pinched at hearing her name fall from Jimin's lips rather than the usual 'Bubs' or any other sweet pet name.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to help!"

"Jungkook got shot in the arm saving you! If you had just stayed in the car like I said– like Namjoon also told you to do– Kook wouldn't have gotten hurt!"

Guilt totally ate Siri up. The couple were out with Bangtan looking at a house that could potentially be Jimin and Siri's new home and business, and then they tended to some of their own Bangtan 'business' at an industrial site with GOT7. But just as Bangtan and GOT7 were about to leave, they were stopped by EXO and a few other men where a shootout took place.

Bangtan didn't understand why the attack happened since EXO shouldn't know about them after Taehyung wiped Kai's memories. But what they didn't know was that EXO were allies with a certain mafia group...

Both Namjoon and Jimin told Siri to stay in the car to keep safe, except Siri saw an EXO member, Chanyeol, sneak their way near Hobi and was about to shoot him. Siri was scared and worried for Hobi. She saw no other option but to get out of the car and tackle the shooter. However, she didn't realise there was another shooter on the other side and she didn't see that Jungkook was behind Hobi as there was another car in the way, so technically, Hobi would've actually been okay.

Jungkook was swift enough to shoot both men, but then a third man managed to shoot Jungkook in his left arm when Jungkook held Siri close to protect her. The third guy died by Jungkook's gun in the end, though.

Now they were back at the Bangtan house, all of them in Jin's medical room where Jungkook was getting patched up by Jin and Siri was getting majorly scolded by Jimin.

JK: "Hyung, calm down. It's okay. I'm okay. It's just a scratch."

"It's not just a scratch!" Jimin pointed to his arm, "You have a fuckin' hole in your arm! Just a few seconds off or a few more inches towards your chest and you or Siri could've died! Dead just like that!" Jimin shook his head, still very much angry and upset that the situation happened at all.

His heart was going haywire. One of his biggest fears came to life today and the fact Siri put herself in danger made Jimin ballistic. He didn't want to lose her so soon. Not when he just got her back over 3 weeks ago. Not when he hasn't 'wifed' her yet. They've only been engaged for 3 days.

Siri's stomach twisted. She knows she messed up. "I'm really sorry, Chim. Next time I'll listen and I'll do as you say..."

"There's not gonna be a next time," Jimin asserted sternly, "coz you're not gonna be where all the action is. You're gonna stay here where I know you're safe." There was a finality in his tone, then he stormed out of the medical room. He needed air. Needed to calm his heart from what just happened.

Siri felt terrible. She's never seen Jimin so angry before. Her heart didn't like him being mad at her.

"I'm really sorry guys..." she said softly as she gave all the guys an apologetic look, tears brimming her eyes.

Hoseok gave her a sympathetic smile and hugged her. He wiped her tears away when some escaped, "You're okay, Fire-cracker. You were just trying to save me, so I'm not mad at all. I'm thankful you and Kookie are okay," he kissed her forehead to help make her feel better.

Jungkook did grabby hands for Siri with his good tattooed arm, so she walked over to him where pulled her into his chest and kissed her forehead, "It's okay, Noona. I'm not mad either. I'm just glad you're safe."

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