5~ Love and hate

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"Jimin?... Is that you?"

Bangtan's white room went completely silent as all the members froze and looked at the tied up woman with confusion. She knows one of us?

"Park Jimin?" Siri said as her heart raced in anxiousness.

Siri knew she must have the nail on the head due to the stunned silence in the room. She could also see the three men in front of her (Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook) look at someone behind her.

He's here.

The other Bangtan members stared at Jimin as well, while Jimin... Well, his eyes were carefully studying the back of the woman, trying to figure out who she was since he wasn't close enough to her just yet.

He's slept with many women over the years who have long dark hair so that didn't tell him anything. But the moment the woman in the chair turned her head to the right, showing the side profile of her face, Jimin's eyes widened and he gulped.

Oh shit.

He knows that face. He knows the curvature of that nose and those lips. There have been many early mornings where he silently and adoringly gazed upon that face while watching her sleep next to him, marvelled at her beauty and wondered how a low-life like him could have someone like her. He always thought he was so lucky.

He has all her facial features ingrained into his brain. Her sparkly blue eyes that he could just swim in. Her cute button nose he loved booping. Those soft pouty lips he loved kissing. Even though it's been six years, if Jimin closed his eyes right now, he could picture every detail of her.

If he had a gun to his head and was asked about her, he could tell you the only place she's ticklish is right in the arch of her feet. He could tell you where all the moles are on her body since he's kissed them all. He could also tell you the most sensitive spot on her body is actually where a small scar is; above her right breast, just underneath the protrusion of her clavicle bone. He's kissed and licked that spot so many times and knows what it does to her. Could get her cumming within minutes with his fingers alone if his lips and tongue glided over that scar.

In this moment of silence, Jimin's heart raced. Anxiousness. Guilt. Regret.

But also... and he won't admit it to anyone... but a bit of longing too.

Siri: "Jimin! I know it's you coz of that stupid squeaky laugh of yours!"

She didn't actually think that laugh was stupid. If anything, she loved it and thought it was adorable. If there was a crowd and everyone was laughing, Siri would be able to find him and his laugh even if she was blindfolded.

That laugh used to be one of her favourite sounds. It used to make her laugh and make her heart swell with delight. She loved it more when his laughter involved his whole body— which then usually meant he was falling out of chairs or laughing on the floor.

Jimin's eyes widened and he snapped out of his daze, "Yep. Ok. Time to make her forget she was ever here!"

Y: "Uh-uh, no way. I'm interested to know more," Yoongi, being the shit-stirrer he is, grinned at Jimin and went to cut the rope around Siri's shoulders.

Jimin panicked and took a step forward with his hands shaking to stop Yoongi, "No! What are you doing?!"

Hearing Jimin's panic in not wanting her to see him again and to supposedly 'forget' him, Siri was hurt. She was so hurt, she was pissed.

Forget? How are they even going to make me forget?? But most of all, how could say he wants me to forget?!

Siri: "Park-fucking-Jimin! Fucking come and show me your stupid fucking duck face, you asshole!"

The Wrong Girl • PJMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon