11~ You stupid

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"Wow, Fire-cracker! You're looking radiant with that just-fucked afterglow." Hoseok cheekily grinned at Siri and Jungkook as they came into the kitchen after having their shower.

Everyone heard them this morning. And last night, too– minus two people.

"Amazing what good sex can do to a woman's hair and what cum can do to our skin," Siri said smugly as she flicked her hand through her hair with a grin, making the guys laugh or snicker while Jimin just groaned and glared at his food.

After making a coffee for themselves, Jungkook took a seat opposite Jimin at the dining table with Siri taking a seat next to him.

"You are no longer a brother of mine, Jeon," Jimin said with a glare at Jungkook.

Jimin was not happy after hearing his ex-girlfriend get fucked this morning. Her moans woke him up and he was already really tired from the shit sleep he got last night after having that argument with her.

He had been self loathing in the pool last night while she was busy getting 'busy'. He went over everything Siri revealed to him that day and he honestly felt like shit.

"I waited for you!"
"I was in prison for a fucking year!"
"Not once did you visit me! Not once did you send me a card, a letter, or give me a call!"
"How could you leave me with her?!"
"She fucking waterboards and uses a stun gun on me now as forms of punishment!"
"It's been SIX fucking years!  How could you?!"
"I hate you for breaking my fucking heart!"

The last thing she said really got to him.
"I hate you for breaking my fucking heart!"
The hurt and anger in her eyes when she said that cut him deep. Jimin almost wanted to drown himself in the pool for hurting her so much. 

Fortunately for him, Taehyung came to hang out with him so he didn't end up doing anything stupid. Just sat and dipped his feet into the water, being there for emotional and moral support.

Jungkook let out a light giggle, "Aw, come on, Hyung. Don't be like that." He piled food onto his plate while Siri just blew on her coffee, trying to ignore what they're talking about.

"Nope. You broke the fuckin' bro code."

"Everybody loves me, though! I'm the maknae!" Jungkook took a bite of his pancakes without a care in the world, his cheeks full of food made him look cute.

"Well right now, I hate you," Jimin said rather blandly, "The both of you," he mumbled as he looked between Jungkook and Siri while he squinted his eyes at them.

"You gonna hate all of us if we sleep with her?" Yoongi said cheekily with a grin as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Fuck off," Jimin snapped as he abruptly got out from his seat. He hated the teasing from Yoongi. He hated knowing Siri and Jungkook slept together twice. He hated his whole situation right now. "Knew it was a bad idea having her here," he mumbled as he left the kitchen.

Siri only rolled her eyes, not caring that Jimin was upset. It's what she wanted and she thought he deserved it. She's been through worse than him.

Namjoon suddenly cleared his throat to get Siri's attention, "I have a question– and I hope you don't think I'm prying– and if it makes you uncomfortable then you don't have to answer."

Siri started feeling a little nervous but nodded her head.

"How'd your mother think of waterboarding and using a stun gun on you? That's not really something you hear as typical punishments for a typical family..."

Siri's heart raced and she wanted to go crawl into a hole because all the guys (excluding Jimin) looked at her expectedly for an answer. Of course they'd be curious about that.
Dammit, I shouldn't have mentioned it last night. But I wanted Jimin to know how bad it was leaving me with her. How bad it's been for the last few years.
I can't tell them the truth about the Matrix gang, though. Mother would literally torture then kill me for revealing anything if I was back with her somehow.

The Wrong Girl • PJMNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ