28~ Objection

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"I OBJECT!!!" Jimin shouted out boldly for everyone to hear as he marched up the aisle with his hand up to stop the wedding from progressing any further. He was all confident with fierce determination in his eyes and power in his footsteps.

Siri's purple haired prince was dressed smartly for the nines and certainly didn't look like he was a 'street-rat.'

Finally, Siri thought to herself. What took him so long? Last night he said he would be here sooner...

Flashback to last night...

Siri was a nervous wreck. She didn't want to get married to that grade A scumbag tomorrow. She didn't want to be away from Jimin or Bangtan. She absolutely hated her life right now and didn't want to be living it.

She was on the roof-top of the Hilton Hotel building, looking over the edge at all the street lights below... Siri had half a mind to just... slip and fall... She was thinking that everything would be better if she was just... gone... 

She could join her father and her angel baby. And then she'll just wait for Jimin and then they can be at peace together, as a family.

But of course, she wasn't going to jump. She still had hope. She knows one day her prince will come for her. They promised to have faith and believe in each other, so she will. 

Her brown hair and silky nightgown blew with the wind and it made her get goosebumps from the coldness. A small gust was strong enough to tilt her forward a little, but she quickly leaned back on her heels to stop from falling forward.

But then she felt something yank her back. She stumbled backwards by quite a few steps until her back hit a warm chest.

"Are you fuckin' crazy?!" Someone with a sweet honeyed voice scolded Siri as they turned her around in their arms. "You were too damn close! Were you actually considering jumping??"

Siri's heart raced as she looked up at the man scolding her. Her perfectly imperfect man stood right there with disbelief and concern written all over his face.

"Chim? Is it really you? You're actually here?..." Siri touched Jimin's face and chest to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She thought this wasn't real. How could the love of her life be here, right now, holding her? And scolding her...

"Of course it's me and yes I'm here. What the hell were you thinking going so close to the edge, Bubs?" Jimin questioned her with worry. "You know if you die, I die too, right? Coz I can't live in a world where you don't exist. And I don't really wanna jump off a building coz I don't fuckin' like heights, but shit– if that's the way you wanna go then I'll follow y– mm!"

Siri had to kiss him. She had to feel it was really him. That he was really here with her.

When she felt his warmth as he pulled her close, she realised he was actually here. He was holding her. He was kissing her. He was here.

Their kiss was– once again, after a long time– needy and passionate. Filled with longing and want, but also filled with relief that they were both okay.

"I'm sorry," she murmured once they finished their little make-out session. "I wasn't going to jump. I came up for some fresh air and to cry about tomorrow. My thoughts wandered to the dark side for a moment but I swear I wasn't going to jump! There was a gust of wind that pushed me forward a little, that's all."

Jimin's worried eyes softened, "Well I'm still glad I caught you. Don't go near the edges of high buildings anymore, Bubs. Had me fuckin' worried there for a sec and it gave me vertigo just looking at you so close to the edge."

The Wrong Girl • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now