30~ Broken Hearts

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Siri, Bangtan and Taeyang were in full panic mode. No one thought something like this would happen.

It was meant to be the end of the Matrix. The end of Trinity and Hugo. The end of Siri being a caged bird. The end of Siri and Jimin's worries.

It was meant to be the start of new beginnings. The start of their forever.

It wasn't meant to be the end of Park Jimin. 

In the ambulance enroute to Mikrokosmos Hospital, Siri held Jimin's hand with one hand while the other was entwined with Taehyung's hand tightly. They both cried and sobbed together as they worried about Jimin, praying he stayed alive.

Siri kept replaying everything in her mind, wondering how it all went pear shaped so quickly. 

Jimin proposed to her again where she obviously said yes, then she was talking happily with him where he said he was thinking about dying his hair blonde for their wedding. She joked that maybe he could dye it bright pink. He chuckled at the idea with his eyes sparkling down at her, his smile warm and happy with his crooked tooth on show.

She remembered seeing Jimin's eyes flick up while he was in the midst of chuckling, but then she saw his eyes widen and his smile dropped in an instant.

She didn't have time to even think about what was wrong because in a split second, she was suddenly spun around in Jimin's arms. She felt the warmth of his body against hers until she heard a loud bang a second later.

Then that warmth disappeared.

Because that warmth was on the ground. Bleeding. Unmoving. Appeared lifeless.

And then she heard a chuckle and saw her mother was still alive. Siri realised what happened in those few seconds. Jimin had saved her. It was meant to have been her lying lifeless on the ground, not him.

But of course Jimin didn't hesitate to take the bullet. He always knew he would risk his life for her if he had to. 

Seeing the love of her life on the ground like that shattered something within Siri. It crumbled her wall of morality and benevolence. It destroyed the goodness within her. It broke her.

That was why she was able to take Jimin's gun and shoot her mother where she felt no remorse whatsoever. Her mother had to die.

It was sort of ironic, really. Trinity lost the last bit of goodness her heart had left when she killed Keanu because in her mind, her daughter 'stole' the love of her life. Now Siri was losing the goodness in her heart because her mother 'stole' the love of her life by shooting him.

When they got to the hospital, Siri's broken state coupled with her past experience and trauma at this hospital made her an emotional and irrational mess. She was so worried the doctors would muck up fixing Jimin that she tried to get into the operating room. She wanted to threaten the doctors to not fuck it up. 

She took Hoseok's gun without him knowing and was about to storm into the operating room, except Jungkook and Jin quickly stopped her and held her back. Namjoon had to come and take the gun away from her before the hospital staff would freak out and call security or the police.

Jin tried to talk some sense into Siri. He held her distressed tear stained face between his hands, telling her she would only be a distraction to the surgeons but she wasn't listening. She couldn't listen when all she could think about was that Jimin had to live and the doctors at this hospital have let her down before. She had no faith in them at all.

She also couldn't listen to Jin because her heart ached too much. She couldn't listen when all she could hear was the pounding of her heart in her ears from her fear of losing the love of her life.

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