27~ The Big Day

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After being taken away from the love of her life and her real family (Taeyang included since he was left with Bangtan), Siri had been depressed. She cried each night alone in her bed, hugging Jimin's shirt to her chest- the orange 'Be a good human' shirt she wore when she had to leave them all.

She grieved for her father some nights too but tried to take comfort in the fact he tried to go back for her and that he was in a better place now. She couldn't believe her mother was ruthless enough to murder her father, though. Her own ex-husband. Surely there was a time when her mother loved her father? How could she have killed him?

After knowing her mother killed her father, Siri now knew her mother would have no qualms in killing her if she had to as well. And that terrified Siri. Terrified her so much into submission.

She was the obedient submissive daughter as soon as she stepped out of the car when she arrived at her 'home.'

But that didn't stop her mother from waterboarding her.

As soon as Siri returned 'home,' Trinity had taken her to the basement to torture her for basically running away again and getting engaged to someone when she knew she shouldn't have.

After that horrible ordeal, Trinity didn't torture or hurt Siri again because Siri had to meet Mr Choi and his son Minho for the first time, and Trinity didn't want her daughter to have any bruises or marks on her body.

Their first meeting was two days after Siri returned 'home' and while Minho was a handsome man and appeared charismatic, Siri didn't like him one bit. Not when he had touched her inappropriately soon after being introduced. He had his hands on her thigh under the table during dinner and carried himself in a way that he could do whatever the fuck he wanted.

But Minho was like that. Thought he could get whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted because his father always gave it to him. An arrogant son following in the footsteps of his arrogant father.

Minho wasn't used to women turning him down either because they all wanted him due to his status. He was a 'successful' lawyer to the public, but really, he was covering and defending his father's crimes- as well as Trinity's and Hugo's crimes- and they all had the means to bribe the police to get away with whatever they did.

Minho thought Siri was into him when he laid his hand on her thigh because she never shoved his hand off and she would smile at him. What he didn't know was that Siri was under her mother's watchful gaze and she had to pretend she liked whatever Minho was doing. She was being the 'perfect' fiancée, the 'perfect' woman- just like her mother groomed her to be.

The wedding date was already agreed upon before Siri met Minho but she didn't know when the date was. She was meant to find out that day she was accidentally kidnapped by Bangtan. She was meant to meet Minho for the first time that night as well to talk about their engagement and the wedding.

Siri wasn't expecting the wedding to be so soon when she did finally find out the date. She wanted time to adjust being back with her mother. Wanted more time to get used to the idea of being with Minho. She wanted more time to give her six Knights and her Prince time to heal and come up with a plan.

But everything was happening too fast.

Her hopes of seeing Jimin, Bangtan and hopefully Taeyang again, plummeted. It was too fucking soon and the guys wouldn't have healed properly by the time the wedding would come.

And unfortunately...

Today's the big day.

Siri was looking at herself in a long mirror, wearing a long, white, mermaid style wedding dress. It was beautiful but she didn't pick the dress. Her mother picked it out. Just like she picked out Siri's shoes and told the stylists how Siri needed to have her hair and make-up.

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