10~ He wasn't there

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⚠️ mention of ectopic pregnancy
A/N as of September 2023:   Some of you will know that I went through the same thing this year. I had 2 pregnancy miscarriages this year and one of those was an ectopic pregnancy. I wanted to put it in here to show some awareness about ectopic pregnancies.
Be aware that in real life, not everyone can get pregnant, and even if some do get pregnant, not all pregnancies work out.
If any of you have experienced this or similar with regards to miscarriages, you are not alone ♥️

Siri's POV   ~~Dream flashback~~

"I'm sorry Miss Reeves... But it's ectopic."


"Meaning the foetus is stuck in your fallopian tube. It can't survive or grow very well in there and can be life threatening to you if it does continue to grow. With the abdominal pain you've been experiencing, you will unfortunately need surgery to remove it as well as the fallopian tube it's in– and you will need the surgery as soon as possible."

My heart dropped. The news of being pregnant shocked me and even more so while being in prison.

I've been locked up for about 7 weeks now and I've been getting terrible morning sickness and really bad cramps. I found out a few days ago that I'm pregnant after a prison doctor gave me a pregnancy test. The prison staff arranged for me to come to the hospital so I could get an ultrasound to see how far along I am and now I'm finding out my baby that's 10 weeks along needs to come out. How cruel is the fucking universe?

Jimin still hasn't come to visit me yet either. I've tried to call him when I was allowed to make one phone call a day, but for some reason he's not picking up his phone. I thought he would've come to see me by now but I still have hope he will come. I just hope it's sometime soon so I can tell him about my situation.

Well it's technically, it's our situation... We made a baby but we can't keep it... The thought made my eyes prickle and I could feel tears coming.

I want my ChimChim...

"I'm very sorry. I will schedule surgery for you within the next 48 hours. I'll arrange it with the prison wards so they don't have to take you back for a few days since we need you here at the hospital for monitoring. Is there anyone you want to call to stay with you for support? The father of the baby, perhaps?" 

"Um... yes please. If that's ok?" My voice quivered at the end and I could feel tears brimming my eyelids.

"Of course. Here. I know I'm not supposed to let you but you can use my phone."

"Thank you, Doctor," I said quietly as I sniffled and tried to control my tears.

"I'll give you some privacy and will just stand outside the door. Knock when you're done." The older gentleman smiled apologetically to me. 

It's nice that he was being nice to me... The prison guards weren't so nice and neither were the women at the prison.

I nodded and started typing in Jimin's cell phone number than I had memorised. A few rings later and I got his voicemail instead of him answering... 

"Hey ChimChim, it's me... Where are you, babe? I've just had some shit news... I'm pregnant, Chim. We made a baby, can you believe it?... But um... it sucks coz baby isn't growing where it should and I uh... I need to have surgery to get it removed otherwise it can be life threatening to me..."

Tears started falling down my face and I let out a sob as I was just so upset and overwhelmed with the shit news and my shitty situation of being in prison. I just wanted to hear from Jimin and I missed him so much.

The Wrong Girl • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now