14~ Bubs

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Siri's POV  — Dream Flashback —

"Look at me," Jimin spoke softly.

Except I couldn't look at him. Tears brimmed my eyes and I shook my head to say no. I was too embarrassed. Too ashamed.

"Babes, please look at me. You can't hide it from me coz I can see right through your make-up. Let me see," he asked softly again as he carefully reached out to touch my face.

His hand cupped the left side of my face tenderly and I turned to look at him. His eyes were so warm and caring as he scanned my face and his thumb gently wiped away a tear that dropped.

But when he wiped my tear away, he must have wiped some of my make-up off because his face hardened, his jaw clenched and eyes looked furious.

My mother had hit me and I tried to cover it up.

"You're not staying with her anymore. I won't let you."

My eyes widened and I shook my head, "What?! No! Chim, you can't be serious??"

"I am dead fucking serious. I'm not letting you go back to live with that evil witch."

"It's just one bruise–"

"Don't lie. I noticed you were limping when we snuck into the movie theatre a few weeks ago. And I noticed last week when you couldn't lift your arm up too high when you tried to steal a bag of chips. She's hurt you enough. You're not living with her."

Oh... I didn't think he would notice those...

I licked my bottom lip and started nibbling on it, "Then what do you want me to do?" I asked worriedly as I rubbed my nose and sniffled my tears away.

"You're gonna stay with me. I'll help you escape."

"What if she catches me running away? Chim, she'd fucking kill me..."

"She hasn't caught you so far."

"But what if she finds me? What if she finds you and hurts you too?" The worry in my voice was obvious. My tight hug on him also showed how worried I was about this idea.

I don't want him getting hurt. Not my ChimChim.

We've only been together for 8 weeks but I already know he's my everything. He's my home.

He definitely beats the last guy I tried to date when I was 16 (that my mother didn't know about). Over the past 3 months since we've met, Jimin has treated me like an equal and like I'm someone worth spending time with. He's not once tried to change anything about me and likes me the way I am.

Just like I like him the way he is– well... more like I love him...

Big lips, round ass, squeaky laugh, crooked tooth, small pinky finger, eye smile.


I love everything about him.

He thinks he's short for a guy but I've told him as long as he's taller than me, then what does it matter? To me he's tall. And he can perfectly rest his chin on my head when we hold each other while I can snuggle into his neck and sniff him like a weirdo.

I love that he's not perfect. Because I'm not perfect either– even though my mother has tried hard to make me be perfect.

But I love all his imperfections because he's my perfectly imperfect man.

The Wrong Girl • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now