Chapter 55 - Conflicting Goals

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"I can't believe you slept here last night."

Ash's words earned a rightful roll of the eyes from his friend as he shoved his gym clothes into his bag.

"I can't believe you didn't," Gary scoffed. "When were you going to tell me you and Serena had sex?"

Ash falters, a look of annoyance on his face as he shook his head. "No time soon because it's none of your business."

Gary huffs out a laugh, gathering his belongings. He nods pointedly. "I told you and about me and Misty."

"If I recall, I never asked." Ash states, slinging the bag over his shoulder. "I'm outta here. I'm not running suicides or seventeens because you're fuckin' late. Especially not on my first practice back. Again!"

"Since when are you the one calling someone out for being late?" A smile toys on Gary's lips while he chased after Ash. "Fill me in. Are you and Serena a thing?"

Ash gritted his teeth as he headed down towards the gymnasium. "None of your business," he repeated.

"I'm your best friend, man. Main one who tolerates your shit. But maybe I'm second to Serena. Because if I was a lady, I would've left you for shit awhile ago." Gary informs like it was obvious. He flung his arm around Ash, pulling him towards him. "The world will never know unless you update me."

The mischievous aura emitting from Gary undoubtedly irritated Ash. "If I talk, will you get off my damn back?"

"That was the plan." Ash rolled his eyes. This would not be the last time Gary begs for personal information from him.

"An empty promise." Ash sighs. "We're not together. I told you I was gonna ask her out at the competition."

"You're sticking to that?" Gary asked incredulously, shaking his head back and forth. "How much more of an idiot can you be about things?"

"I'm sticking to it," Ash finalized. "Just because we've done more doesn't change the fact that I'm doing this the right way."

"The right way?" Gary raised his hands. "I think your definition of the right way is really skewed, Ashy-boy."

"If you say anything—"

"One step ahead of you," Gary interrupted. "I hear you."

The two of them made their way into the locker room and changed for practice. It was nice to be back with basketball after the stupid injury. Dancing with Serena was great and clearly had become a huge part of his life, but damn there was nothing better than getting to run down the court and dribble past the people who stood in his way.

"Look who finally decided to come back." Brock chuckled, patting Ash on the back. "Feels like you've spent most of this season absent, doesn't it?"

Gary eyed his friend, grinning at the slight vein on his forehead and the clench in his jaw. "Wouldn't if I were you, Brock. You know where it'll go."

"Your ability to live with him never ceases to amaze me ," Brock teased lightly.

"Lately, I've been spending my time in Misty's room." Gary shrugs as he slides up to Brock. "And who knows if Ash will even hang in our room anymore. He's ditching me for his dance lover."

Ash glares at Gary. Leave it to him to not keep his mouth shut, even for a second. "What did I just tell you?"

"I didn't say anything!"

"Hold on." Brock looked between his teammates and Ash's annoyed expression spoke volumes. "You're dating that dance student? She's gorgeous, Ash. Congratulations."

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