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I order the two men in the room as I put the plastic bag on the bed. I grab a new underwear and run through the shopping bags to find something for her to wear. I groan with anger not being able to find something dark, so I run to my room, grab a black hoodie and one of my black sweatpants, and then rush back to the room. I start by opening the pad box, then I do as the drugstore woman instructed. But which fucking side is supposed to face the front? Fuck my life!

I try to be as quick as possible, but I guess it took me about 10 minutes just to stick that thing. I slowly start taking off her bloody underwear, I grab as many napkins as I can and I start cleaning her private area. Noticing the dry napkins aren't enough, I grab a bunch and wet them. It got cleaned faster. 

Come to think of it, this woman has been here for two weeks and there's not a single strand of hair down here, is that possible? 

Fuck me and my thoughts! Seriously Stefano? Ugh! 

I take off the dress, put the padded underwear and my hoodie on her, all while struggling to keep her steady. The sweatpants aren't even needed, my hoodie is longer than the dress she she was wearing before. She really looks dead, lifeless is no longer the best word to describe her. I pick her up bridal style and head towards the room next to mine. Johnny sees me in the hallway and runs before me to open the door. I put her on the bed and finish up with covering her with the sheets. 

All done. 

"Eyo! The Spaniard is here, we gotta go" 


I take one last look at my new toy, I can't wait for her to wake up. I leave and lock the door. But not before putting something interesting on the counter in front of the bathroom door...

I'll get notified the moment she moves, the camera in the room will be on, so I'm not worried about her jumping off the window, 34 feet (10m) high.

I smile to myself as I head down to join my guests. Why am I excited?

Milena POV
(7 hours later / 
1:23 am)

I open my eyes and the first thing I feel is a sharp pain in my sides and abdomen. The pain so much worse than when I was getting beaten by a pipe. I stand up to find myself on a comfy king sized bed, without thinking much, I rush towards the door seeming to be a bathroom and hurriedly lock the door. 

I scream on the inside, my entire body shakes, tears rolling down as I relieve myself. I have never felt such pain in my 28 years of life. 

After what felt like an eternity of pain, I try to pull up my underwear when I notice I was on my period. All of a sudden my knees give out as fear rushes through my body. I look at the mirror in front of me and cover my mouth with my hand. Holding back the screams, I silently sob for god knows how long. 

Looking down at the vanity I notice four boxes, two of sanitary pads and two tampons. I've never used tampons, but looking at the options before me I become a little hopeful that maybe, just maybe, it was a woman who took care of me. 

After changing my sanitary pad, I notice my hair smells like men's shampoo. The fearful emotions emerges again with my worst imagination. I take a few steps forward, but I find it really hard to move. I just realized both my feet and right arm have been casted. I didn't realize until now. They torture me and now they want me healed? Did they realize I'm innocent? 

I try my best to walk, using the walls to keep myself from falling. I open the door and the white closet in front of temporary blinds me. 

It looks almost empty, with a bunch of shopping bags lined up in next to the bathroom door. 

Something else attracted my eyes, something very unfamiliar. Something black on the counter in front of me. I move slowly towards it, dragging my feet. The sight in front of me burns the smallest chance of hope I had a few seconds ago. This... they never planned on healing me. They wanted my life from the start. What an idiot I was for even thinking someone good was around. What an idiot you are Milena... what an idiot...

My vision becomes blurry with all the tears filling my eyes. But I still can't take my eyes off of the gun and the kitchen knife in front of me. My heart beats faster as the thoughts of my family, my loved ones, my dreams flash by. 

I take a deep breath and pick up the knife before me. I lift it and stare at it for a short moment, thinking of where would hurt less. That's when I hear a familiar voice. 

"Are you sure?"

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