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"So you guys are a motorcycle gang... wearing suits."

Opening the door with force, I jump in on the conversation before Jordan says anything I'll make him regret. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

They both turn to look at me, Jordan with his surprised wide-open eyes and she... with those big deadpan cat-like eyes. I feel like I'll lose myself if I stare into them for too long.

"Wowww boss! What's up?" He lets out a nervous laughter.

"Answer my goddamn question Jordan, you know you're not allowed here tell me what the fuck are you doing?"

"Well... I mean... I went to the west safe house and no one was there..."

Fucking dick why would you mention the safe house!

"... and then I came to this one and no one was at the gate! Like how's a safe house a safe house when literally there's no one to protect it? I mean I was just confused. I yelled at the door and no one answered..."


"Shit! I just came do deliver these things, I swear to God I meant no harm. I just thought I'd drop these and go!" 

"Why the fuck were you chatting then?"

"I don't know boss, I swear it just started we're humans you know we talk"

I get angrier and angrier, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, clenching both my hands.

"He brought shampoos" 

A sweet voice speaks, it's so soothing it makes every hair on my body stand... I can't get used to it. I open my eyes to see her big cat-like eyes staring into mine as she continues. 

"Apparently he forgot to buy shampoo, he also bought extra clothes. You can check the bags if you don't trust him."

"And why would you think I don't trust my man?"

She turns away, takes the bags and throws the materials on the bed... why did her gesture hurt?

"I haven't seen you trusting one person since I met you. Not even one."

She crosses her arms looking at the materials. Completely ignoring me... again...

"In my kind of business trust is the last thing you think of. You're a daddy's girl, I highly doubt you know what it truly means." I say in a calm tone, hoping she'd look at me again

"I thought bikers were bounded by trust... I guess I was wrong...."

She smiles and turns back, facing Jordan as she continues.

"Thank you for the extra clothes Jordan, I appreciate it, but we'll see how long they'll last"

"And why wouldn't they last? I mean I got you some pretty good stuff, they're not Gucci or Versace or whatever but like they're not Walmart kind of stuff you know." Jordan smiles back, I bet he forgot I was still here

"His other men have a habit of tearing women's clothes when they torture, that's why" She replies calmly, sitting on the bed, with the same smile still planted on her face.

What did she say? Did Champ tear off her clothes? No fuck!
I get even angrier as I think about it. Her clothes were definitely torn when I saw her, and he called her a whore the other night... there's no doubt... no fucking doubt! 

"I know you don't trust Jordan, but I asked him to get me different types of clothes since I don't like showing skin, so he will probably be back, if you allow him, of course. I just thought you should know."

I remain silent, staring at her sideview. It kills me to see her staring at someone else. 

What the fuck happened to me? Am I interested in a half dead zombie?

"Jordan. Out."

I order with my eyes still fixated on her. She's daring. Speaking so easily like she didn't get scared like a cat last night. 

I follow Jordan outside, grab him by the neck and lead him downstairs. 

Fucking rat. 

Milena POV

It worked! It worked!!! 

I can't believe he's so easy to control. He does have his own principles, his own rules he stands by, and protecting women's honour is one of them. Now I'll have to wait and see, see what kind of punishment does the man whose worked for him for years will receive. 

Jordan mentioned that this is a safe house, and that it's currently lacking security. If I play right, I can get myself out of here. My dreams have been shattered, my heart has been crushed, my future has been trampled on, but being out of here is much better than not knowing what could go wrong at any moment. 

I exhale a deep breath I didn't know I was holding, I decide on opening the rest of the bags and tidying the room a bit. Nothing can calm a Balkan woman better than cleaning. It also helps finding better ideas. 

I need to get my plan ready, it's going well so far but it's not enough. I need more control, I need more information. I can definitely do this. 

Fire might not even be necessary, but running might be. Since a certain someone doesn't know how to drive. Ugh... I should've learned when I had the chance! 

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