Sans x Reader (Modern AU)

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You sigh and push back from your desk, more than ready to take a well-deserved study break. You've been studying for your university finals for hours, and you've only now felt like you could manage a little break before starting your final assignment.

"Hey kid, done studying?" Sans says from the doorway.

You and Sans have been living together for a little over a year now. It was certainly an adjustment when you both decided to make the jump and start living together. To be honest, you think Papyrus experienced the most grief when going through this transition process. Of course, the two of you didn't leave Papyrus to fend for himself, but he's been having a hard time adjusting to not having Sans constantly in the same space as him. Papyrus lives in the apartment next door from the both of you, but he still considers it to be "too far" and just the thought of the clingy skeleton makes you laugh.

"No, not yet. I just thought maybe I'd be more productive if I took a break for a while," you say walking over to the short skeleton and planting a kiss atop his skull.

"Well come sit on the couch with me. I've got Its Always Bright ASF Outside on the TV."

"Alright, just let me grab a snack first."

You head over to the kitchen and blanky stare at the cabinets. You didn't have a snack in mind, but you knew you wanted something. One by one you open the cabinets and close them directly after. Nothing was calling out to you. Sighing, you head to the living room, defeated.

"Hey, where's your snack?"

"I can't decide on what I want to eat, so I settled for nothing."

Sans looks at you disappointed. This was a common occurrence in your home. You'd scavenge the kitchen for something to eat, but when nothing seems appetizing you often settle for nothing.

"Stay here," Sans says hopping off the couch and walking to the kitchen.

Plopping down onto the couch you watch the show Sans left playing. Reaching over to Sans' spot you grab one of the many blankets scattered atop the couch and snuggle up with a pillow. After what felt like an oddly long time for Sans to be in the kitchen he returned with a paper bag in hand.

"Where did you get that from?"

"Grillby's, I took a shortcut."

Sans joins you on the couch and begins digging through the bag and hands you a burger and fries. You smile broadly at your boyfriend.

"Awe you didn't have to go all the way over to Grillby's for me."

"I know, but I want to make sure you eat tonight, you have a lot of work to do."

You smile and nod. You felt all warm inside, it was nice that he wanted to take care of you. Leaning over you place a kiss on Sans' teeth.

"Thank you Sansy."

"Yeah yeah, eat your food kid."

Au Sans x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now