Ut!Sans x Fallen Human!Reader

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"You're gonna LOVE this time around!"

Laughter fills your ears as you sit up with a start gasping for air. Alertly you take in your surroundings and notice you're lying on a basement or what you assume was a basement. Slowly you manage to pull yourself off the floor and walk closer to the gigantic doors that take up the entire wall at the end of the long corridor you stand in. When you got close enough to the doors you see a giant pile of ash sitting right in front of it along with a large purple robe. Shivers run down your spine as you walk around the pile scared of what will happen if you disturb it. Grabbing onto one of the handles of the door you let go immediately after feeling the bone-chilling metal bite into your skin. Pulling down the sleeves of the sweater you're wearing you grab the door again and pull until the door swings open knocking you backwards into a wall. Falling down onto your butt you rub your head wincing in pain. Standing up once again you wobble still feeling a little dizzy but made yourself stand upright determined to figure out where the hell you were exactly. Walking around the door you're met with cold wind hitting you in the face causing tears to pool in your eyes. Fighting the wind's attempts to push you back inside you push back and manage to fall into the snow right outside the door. As soon as your feet left the threshold the door slammed behind you with a large echo filling the trees now around you. 'Maybe I was at the front door and not the back door?' you pondered about where you had just come from confused about how exactly you were now inside a land of ice, snow and trees. Once again you get back on your feet and survey your surroundings. Nothing seemed to raise your need for full-on alertness so you decide to just stay cautious. Everything about this place was completely bonkers to you, nothing made any sense! Walking down the large straight path the trees made for you everything seems quiet...too quiet. Jumping over a large stick you laugh at little thinking about how childish it was to hop over a stick when you could have smashed it, or simply just stepped over it. Almost instantly your smile was wiped away and replaced with fear as you heard a crack ring out into the forest beyond from directly behind you. Slowly you gather the courage to turn around and like a light switch your alert bells started to ring in your head. You're not alone out here, someone was out here or worse something. Breaking into a sprint you begin to book it further down the path even though you have no idea where it leads. Looking to the forest to your right you see something flashing between the trees beside you. Eyes wide you look forward once again and see a rickety bridge coming up. Letting out a couple swears you slow down trying to gauge how much time you have to evaluate the chances of you making it especially since there were these large bars going over it as well. Moving your foot to take a chance you hear footsteps approach and stop a few feet behind you. Retracting your foot you stand completely still and too afraid to face the thing behind you. Chuckling comes from behind you making you go slightly rigid. "Don't you know how to greet an old pal? Turn around and shake my hand." the voice was low and soothing but it still put you on edge. 'Old pals?' you wondered what the man meant by that. Turning around a shortish skeleton stand before you in a casual manner a lazy grin painting his off white features. Placing your hand into his you feel a jolt and snatch your hand back away from the now laughing skeleton. "Sorry (Y/n)! I can't believe you fell for that." Rubbing your hand you look at the skeleton in confusion while rubbing your hand. "Um I think you've mistaken me someone else. I've never seen you before a day in my life." Silence, the skeleton stopped laughing immediately and looked you over more intently making you slightly uncomfortable. "Kid that's not a funny joke." Taking a step toward you he extends his hand.

"Let's go to snowdin already, you almost got me, kid."

"I'm not joking...I really have no idea who you are, who I am, or where I am."

Somehow the skeleton's fleshless face went rigid but then immediately returned to his lazy grin. "Alright let's see. Your name is (Y/n) and you're in the Underground the Snowdin region. I'm Sans, your...friend." Nodding you roll your name in your head for a bit trying to get used to it, you like it. Smiling a little you say a little 'thank you' to Sans to which he just nods. "Okay kid let's get you introduced to my brother, he really wants to capture a human. Don't worry he won't hurt you." Sans leads you over the bridge as he explains what going to happen, but he looks behind you and stiffens. Turning around you see nothing but a pair of red eyes fade into the forest and childish laughter. "Sans?" Holding one eye Sans winces in pain causing you to panic. "Relax kid, just stay close and don't leave my side. I'll protect you from them." Not exactly understanding what he means you nod and grip onto his hoodie.

"The fun has just begun."

A/n: New oneshot! Omg my books are doing really well in the rankings here on wattpad and I'm super happy! Thank you all for following me, reading my books, voting, commenting, and overall being amazing  <3 Hope you enjoyed this one I love you all so much <3 <3 <3

JAE AWAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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