Inmate!G x Inmate!Reader

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The cafeteria as per usual was crowded with inmates like yourself trying to get lunch and sit at their usual spots around the large room. Of course, you were alone without anyone to sit with as per usual. It's not like you're incapable of making friends its just that whenever you meet someone you either drive them away by your lack of wanting to escape, your reasoning for being in this shithole or your favorite the fact that you try and stand up to people that could seemingly snap you into piece instantaneously. Grabbing your tray you head over to the large window the overlooked the courtyard and dusty terrain that lay beyond the tall wire fences. Drinking your water you stare out the window unconsciously as you listen to the floating conversations nearby.

" Did you hear that G tried breaking out for the millionth time yesterday after rec time?"

"Really how?"

"He used magic on some of the guards!"

"WHAT!? How in the hell did he get past the magic barriers that prevent magic use in here?"

"I heard-"

Your eavesdropping was interrupted by someone sitting across from you at your table. Looking up you see the skeleton from before sitting in front of you looking at you. Confused you look him up and down unsure as to why he sat with you although a week ago when you had last seen him he said for you to stay out of his way. You wonder why he put himself in your way if he didn't want you to be in his. "Can I help you bones?" Uninterested with his presence you stare at him boredly. Leaning back in his chair he smirks and stares for a while longer before saying, "You're a little eavesdropping bitch." Shock paints your features as you take in what he just said to you. Bracing your arms onto the table you look at him slightly irritated at his assumption although it was a very accurate one. "Excuse me? What proof do you even have to make that fucking assumption?" Leaning toward you the skeleton looks even more amused at your anger as he whispers really close to your face and says, "Why would anyone sit by this large ass window silently without even touching their food? You may fool some of the dumbasses in this place but you're not fooling me with your fake ass aloof act over here." leaning back he grins as you boil over with anger and stand up grabbing almost everyone's attention in the room. "Fuck off you bag of bones! Just leave me alone for fuck sakes." Joining you on your feet the tall skeleton looks at you incredulously taking a step near.

"You wanna try that again bitch? I think you're unsure of who you're talking to."

"I don't care who you are dog treat! Why are you so hellbent on bothering me?"

"You asked for it fucking human."

Aiming for your neck you dodge his hand and sidestep out of the way. Putting up your fists you take a quick swing at his ribs and make contact. Smirking you swipe your makeshift knife out from under your tray and hold it tightly taking on a battle stance as he stumbles a bit from the impact. Looking at you and your stance with the new weapon in your hand the skeleton's eye sockets go completely black as he stares at you. "Realize who I am now you fucking chew toy?" Yellow light flickers in the skeleton's eyes as he stares at you speechless. The tension was thick in the room as you both stood a safe distance away from each other.

"I'm gonna murder you."

"HA! I'd like to see you try bone boy."

Before either of you could get any closer to each other guards came rushing into the cafeteria and immediately restrained you and the skeleton on sight. Pinned onto the floor you growl at the man who held you there. "After yesterday G you'd think you'd learn." Feeling your stomach drop a little you shift your head to look at the skeleton beside you and everything clicks. G the skeleton, sentenced into jail for the apparent murder of a human who allegedly assassinated the monster's ambassador, Frisk. G stared back at you with pure hatred as he struggled roughly under the restraints he was under trying to get to you. He knew you had given yourself away to him. Laughing a little at the situation G only struggled harder. There was nothing he could do or say to convince anyone of your actual crime and that made you smirk knowing that you had won this round. G, the man who swore to end you all those years ago but not exactly knowing who you were. In one big pull, you were lifted onto your feet and forced to walk to the cells beside G as he stared at you with such anger as the realization sunk in more and more. You weren't just a murder, but a force that wreaked havoc and caused chaos. " G... I wonder how I never realized it before that you are the infamous G! How about this time you stay out of my way." Smirking you become silent as the guards tell you to shut up and continue down the hall in deep unsettling silence.

A/n: Didn't think I'd update this one but I did. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Leave requests in the comments if you want any specific one-shots. Anyways love you all so much <3 <3 <3 

JAE AWAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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