G!Sans x Biker!Reader

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It's high time in the city tonight, anything and everything were taking over the night. Riding your bike into the parking lot of a pub like place called Grillby's you remove your sleek black helmet, letting down your (h/c) hair you look around. A skeleton with two cracks in his skull locks eyes with you from across the parking lot. Smirking you throw him a wink and put your back to him as you set your helmet on the seat. Pulling out a pack of cigs you pull out a lighter, but before you can flick the top a voice stops you. "Allow me dollface." With the snap of his fingers, a yellow magic surrounds his hand and he lights your cigarette with it. "Cool party trick bones." Since monsters came to live on the surface you've taken an interest in them, observing when you can. Leaning a bit onto your bike you take a drag from your cigarette and blow it towards the sky. Smoke erupts from your lips creating swirling patterns in the air. Looking back at the skeleton you give an expectant look. "The names Gsans, but you can call me G sweetheart." A lady killer you thought to yourself. Laughing a little you taking another drag. "Sweetheart? You're funny G. The names (Y/n)." Putting out a gloved hand G sticks out his boney one and you both shake. Finishing your cigarette you drop it to the ground and stomp it out leaving a dark smudge on the ground. "What's a girl like you doing out at this time of night? Don't you know what happens at night?" Shaking your head you push past G and into Grillby's, he follows. "Thanks for the concern G, but I think I can handle myself." G laughs as he grabs your hand and pulls you into the back room of the pub and shoots a wink at a flaming guy in bartender clothes. The room G pulls you into is dark and cool. Pushing you up against a wall, locking you in with both arms G grins. "I don't know dove, can you really handle yourself?" Shaking your head and laughing you pull your hands up and hold G's skull in your hands. Pulling him closer you kiss his teeth with your lips causing him to let down his guard a bit. Giving G a hard shove you dash out the door and shoot a salute to Grillby as you continue out the door. Quickly sliding on your helmet you start your bike and begin to take off, but as you ride out the parking lot you see G watching with a grin as you ride away into the night.

"I'll see you again G."

A/n: Hope you guys like this new one-shot, I'm currently trying to update as much as possible soo stay tuned! Love you all so much <3 <3 <3

JAE AWAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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