Dancetale!Sans x Ballet!Reader

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Tonight was a beautiful night. Stars gleamed in the night sky along with the moon glowing brightly onto the grass in the field you were in. Lying in the grass you stared up at the sky kind of wishing, wishing for something new. Nothing ever really changed in your life really, well things were constantly changing in your life, but you want something different yet consistent, consistently inconsistent. Finally after some time you sit up off your blanket and sigh. "Guess I have to go back now." You say aloud to noone in particular. Grabbing your ballet slippers you also grab your pointe shoes and blanket off the grass as you head back to your dance boarding school. Everyday after a hard practice you manage to slip away and relax in the field for awhile while everyone changes, lets down their hair etc. Not many people talk to you besides Frisk because you're one of the best, and for some reason people assume you're stuck up and pretentious. Of course you're not the only one with some talent your friend Frisk is also quite the twinkle toes when they eventually put an end to their puns and flirts. Three weeks, you've been attending this school for three weeks and you're already homesick. Frisk tells you you'll be alright, but being surrounded by hundreds of wannabe primas might make your head explode. Walking through the front doors you head for the ballet wing of the school passing by the hip-hop, modern, and cultural wings. As you walk by the hip-hop class window you see everyone in the room pumping out hard hitting moves, completely in sync with each other, and laughing to each other as they get loose with their moves. One person catches your eye as you continue walking, a skeleton with a blue and black hoodie and fingerless gloves. In amazement you watch him pull off these awesome bboy moves while a few people join in with the others cheering him on. 'What's his name?' you wonder as you stare in awe. Just when you really started getting into it Frisk came running up to you saying that your teacher was looking for you, and it wasn't a good thing. "Alright I'm coming. Let's hurry up before I get in further trouble." Running back through the ballet hall you and Frisk pass by several bedroom filled with gossip about you being in trouble.

"Frisk do you have even the slightest clue on why I might be in trouble?"

"Not even the slightest clue."

Letting out a sigh you and Frisk stood outside your teachers door. Grabbing hold of the handle you walk into the office standing very close to the door. "Come further in miss (y/n)." Closing the door you walk further into the office, stopping at the two chairs beside the desk. "Take a seat miss (y/n). Quickly now." Taking a seat you fold your hands in your lap patiently waiting as your teacher typed away at her computer making clicking sounds the fills the silence. "You wanted to see me ma'am." Closing her laptop she stares at you with her piercing dark brown eyes making you feel uncomfortable in your seat. "Yes, I did. Some girls in your group have been saying you've been sneaking off after our sessions and meeting up with a boy? Is that true miss (y/n)?" Looking completely and utterly confused you stare in disbelief. "Absolutely not! There is not a single boy in the academy that I sneak of with." Slightly embarrassed with your lack of experience with boys you face grows red and you feel yourself becoming quite angry. "Then where is it that you run to so quickly miss (y/n)?" Exasperated at how your teacher isn't quite believing you made the situation even more infuriating. "If you must know ma'am I leave the academy and run to that little open field across the street and stargaze after our night sessions before dinner and bed. There is no boy. I go out there to escape the prissy prima wannabes that are in my year group who hate me because of my dedication to the craft." Leaning back in her chair your teacher looks at you skeptically as you sit in a huff, fuming. "You may go miss (Y/n), but refrain from going "stargazing" again." Standing up in anger you have to hold yourself back from yelling straight into your teachers face. "Excuse me ma'am? I believe that you have no control over what I do in my recreational time ie. After class, and before eating times." Standing up to assert her dominance your teacher folds her arms. Walking towards the door you're stopped by a single sentence. "Continue fooling around with that boy and I'll have you kicked out of the ballet program." Looking back with a deadly glare you raise your voice just a bit. "There. Is. No. Boy. Also, ma'am. You can't kick me out I one of the best dancers you've got. Everyone's replaceable except me." Swinging the door open you walk out letting it close behind you. Frisk who was standing outside the entire time along with the other girls of you group just stared in complete shock. Grabbing frisk by the hand you shove past all the girls walking to your room.

Entering your room you collapse onto your bed exhausted. "Frisk can you believe it!? Those wannabes actually made up such an unbelievable lie and put me on the roasting sick!" Shaking their head they sit on their bed watching your flailing body and you retell the entire conversation and how badass you sounded the entire time. Walking into the closet you pick out a pair of black tights and (f/c) long sleeve cropped shirt to change into for dinner. "Does this look okay Frisk?" They nod in response as they slip into their blue and pink sweater and jeans.

"Alright, let's go."

A/n: this is only part one. I hope you guys enjoyed this one, let me know some suggestions in the comments. Love you all soo much <3 <3 <3

JAE AWAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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