MOB!Sans x Spy!Reader Part 2

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Opening my eyes I blink for a while trying to figure out when I fell asleep. Sitting up I realise I'm not in my house and I'm in a huge white t-shirt along with a furry blue hoodie. Inspecting my surroundings I see myself in a vanity mirror; what happen to me? Bed head was the only thing I could think when I stared at my messy (h/c) hair. Hopping out of the large bed I find my green dress hanging on the back of a chair along with a note; picking up the card I read it to myself.

"Morning sunshine, hope you had a nice rest after last night. Prepare yourself because your interrogation starts soon. Did you really think I'd allow you to get away with that stunt of yours last night? See ya soon."


Dropping the card I walk over to the window only to be greeted by the view of monsters surrounding the house with firearms. 'You've done it now (Y/n)!' Quietly I chastise myself as I stand by the window. Walking back to the mirror I see the shirt only reaches mid thigh and the hoodie falls to about the same length. Someone opened the door behind me, turning around I see Sans with a fairly large fish woman.

"Undyne, this is (Y/n) the spy that I caught last night at the bar." Sans leant on the doorway while looking at me with a smirk. 'That fucking pervert!' I thought to myself. Undyne cracks her knuckles and begins walking closer to me with a hard glare. Lucky for me Sans didn't see nor does he know my real power, Undyne would be a piece of cake. Letting my back face the mirror I sat on the bed looking unbothered this situation. "So punk, you think you can get away with messing the monster mafia?" Undyne was so close to my face that I could feel her breath on me. Standing up I push past her and walk to the window; the shirt I was wearing revealed a little more as I walked. "Listen here Undyne, I didn't do anything to the monster mafia. Grillby's is where I perform for tips and hang out, but digging up a little information while I'm at it doesn't hurt. Bone boy over here decided to get all hostile towards me for no reason, he didn't even ask for my name." Glancing at Sans I see him with just a little blue on his cheekbones, but he was giving me a menacing glare.

Undyne came running towards me, spear in hand dodging her attack I fall to the floor. Making another charge at me Undyne lets out a battle cry, rolling out of the way I slip by Sans and out the door. Of course Sans caught me halfway down the hall. Walking up to me Sans shakes his head while chuckling, " Look here sunshine, the Mob is no joke. Say you quit your old spy job and come work for us?" now it's my turn to laugh. Pulling the shirt down I try to hide my underwear from Sans. "Why would I work for you? I'm paid decently with the way I work now."

Sans drops me and this time doesn't catch me. Hitting the floor with a yell and a thud I lie on the floor with Sans stand above me. Putting his hand in a pulling way Sans brings out my (F/c) soul and turns it blue. My feet don't even touch the ground at this point because I'm being held by my soul. Looking into Sans's eye sockets I see nothing but to empty dark pits, it reminded me of the time I fell into that hole once upon a time. Fear took over me, I was still. "You'll work for our mafia, or you're gonna have a bad time..."

Dropping me to the floor once again I land on my butt. Shakily I get on my hands and knees trying to stand. 'What did I just experience?' My thoughts were scattered and my heart raced with fear. "So sunshine, what's your decision?" Sans's voice was back to its smooth deep tone, but I was still on all fours with my head down. Bobbing my head 'yes' I stand up with my head still facing the ground, I dare not let my eyes meet his sockets. "Answer me then, you got a voice, or did I scare it outa ya?" Chuckling Sans walks up to me and uses his finger to lift my chin. Sweat drenched the shirt and soaked my hair. "I'll work for you..." My voice was firm, but unfortunately, my face didn't really show it. Laughing again Sans pats my head, but he soon realised how much he really scared me. "C'mon kid, don't tell me a spy like you let little ol' me scare ya." My body was still for some reason I couldn't get it to move. Sans motions for me to follow him as he walks a little ahead, but I still couldn't do anything. Turning around Sans looks as if he feels guilty, but I completely doubt it. Picking me up bridal style Sans carries me somewhere. Tears welled up in my eyes, I feel like I have no control over anything... I'm just not strong enough. 

A/n : This might be a continues thing. There will be a part 3! UtMob is one of my favourite aus ever! Another one- shot will be posted later tonight Thanks for reading! I love you all so much <3 <3 <3 

Jae AWAY>>>>>>>>>>>>

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