Glitchtale!Sans x Justice!Reader

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A/n: This is the glitchtale au and If you are currently watching the series by Camila you'll know this isn't all word from word only a few parts so don't expect everything to go in order and follow the storyline. Incorporating the reader makes some slight changes, but nonetheless, I hope you all enjoy.

Sans and I have been dating for a year now and it's the best thing that's ever happen to me. When we first met it was like a scene out of some rom-com, but I wouldn't change even if I could. When I met sans I was 19 and I was walking through a public park looking for this hotdog stand that one of my friends told me about. Apparently there's this skeleton who tells jokes and is overall a cool guy, but of course I didn't believe them because at the time I didn't really believe the Mt. Ebott rumours about monsters, but when I saw the skeleton I slightly began to freak out. Walking closer I noticed that the skeleton was quite attractive, but it still didn't make any sense.

"Heya there kid, wanna hot dog?" His voice was deep and smooth and he had this smile that was a full on grin, but it felt lazy. Nodding in response I began to pull out my wallet, but he stopped me. Looking up I locked eyes with his pinpricks we both flushed in colour with awkward laughing. "Don't worry about paying." He scratched the back of his skull. As he made my hot dog he and I got to know each other, he told me his name was Sans and I introduced myself as (Y/n). When Sans finally finished my hot dog he looked kinda sad that I was about to leave. Reaching into my bag I grabbed a pen and wrote my number on it telling him to call me; and that night... He did.

It's been a year now and Sans and I finally made our relationship official on Papyrus's birthday. Bringing Papyrus a new kitchen set he picked me up and swung me around thanking me endlessly. Sans watched as I teased Paps and just overall got along with everyone. Unlike himself he announced his love for me in front of everyone causing me to blush furiously and hid in his jacket from looking eyes. Sans has always been there for me, when I'm sick, sad, happy, mad, and he always proves his love to me. I love him... With my whole soul. As of lately monsters have been having a rough time with the government and the incident with the fallen children. Asgore was sent to jail for murder and right now we're all fighting to prove their innocence even if that costs me my "human" rights.

After a few months of Sans and I dating he told me about how Frisk can reset and change the timelines and how he suffered for so, so long. At first I was angry, but Sans showed me the promise bracelet that Frisk made for him. Frisk and I are very close and I love them very much as if they were my own flesh and blood. Since I live with Sans I see them all the time, even when I'm volunteering at the school that Toriel works at. Tori taught me about souls and magic and how to control it. I have a soul of justice and it's fun to mess around with the kids and teach them, but it's also very tiring. Some days I wonder if Sans and I will ever have children...

Presently we all have an even bigger problem than the government... Betty and Akumu. Both of them have been trying to give us a bad image and even had Papyrus sent to jail. Sans, Gaster and I are furious and plan to figure out how to stop all this. Today was different though, Sans and I were talking about the plan we had devised in order to get the proof we needed. Asriel and Sans were to carry it out while I stayed with Gaster and worked on some tests. That's when Frisk walked in with Asriel. Grabbing Sans's hand I gave him a smile to try and brighten the mood a little and he returned it while giving my hand a little squeeze. Walking up to both of the kids I ruffled their hair causing them to giggle, but Frisk's laughed sounded dry and forced. "What's wrong shortie? Feeling down because of the Paps thing? Don't worry it-" Frisk cut me off and fidgeted with the hem of their sweater looking away from me or Sans. "Well, I um had an idea... But you're not gonna like it." Their voice was quiet and almost shaking. Letting go of my hand Sans looks at them questioningly as to why they were so nervous to speak up. "Common kiddo, spit it out."

"What if I RESET? Maybe we could prevent al-" Before they could finish their sentence Sans's eye flared blue and yellow. Turning Frisk's red heart blue he pulled them right up to his face, anger laced in every word he spoke. "What?" Asriel and I just watched as this unfolded before us. "Maybe the next timeline won't be glitched and-" Sans cut her off his voice lower than it had ever been, "Stop. Right. There." he eye sockets now an empty void. "You're so selfish, I thought you had changed, but I guess I was wrong. Did you forget what you promised me Frisk? Or did I imagine that all on my own? Is that seriously the best idea you could come up with?" Sans's words were harsh and you could feel the guilt practically radiating off Frisk. Silence was the only answer Sans received. Again his eye flashed the blue and yellow and his forever smile didn't look so friendly anymore. "Since you like breaking promises... You wouldn't mind If I broke mine right?" With Asriel and I both shocked we looked to each other and yelled that was enough. Dropping Frisk to the ground Sans turned away from them tears threatening to fall, "You should've let Chara kill me... That would've hurt less than this." Sans walked over to me and leaned down to plant a kiss on my lips before telling Asriel it was time to go, not even sparing Frisk a second glance. Once they left I pulled Frisk into a hug and stroked their hair as they cried and apologized for even mentioning it at all. Bending down I wipe their tears, "Don't worry Frisk, when he comes home I'll make sure to get you guys as good as new." smiling at them I stand up and take their hand leading them to Gaster's lab where he and I would be doing a few more tests and research on Betty's soul. Pulling on our sweaters we walked out the door and towards Gaster's house. Putting Frisk on my back we strolled down the street talking about random things like when Sans and I first met, if we were getting married soon, or if we ever planned on having children, but I just gave her short and sweet answers. Of course I wanted to marry Sans and start a family, but right now we needed to fix things before we can even think about settling down. Placing Frisk down on the ground I grabbed their hand and walked through the doors and down to the lab. Glass shattering, letting go of Frisk's hand I dash in looking for Gaster. When I found him I saw his '#1 Dad' mug on the floor and pieces, but that wasn't it his eyes were two different colours, one blue and the other orange. Soon the blue eye faded out leaving the one orange eye and a terrified-looking Gaster with tears in his eyes. Just when I was about to ask what's wrong Asriel bursts in looking distressed and holding something in his arms. "What's going on!? Azzy? Where's Sans?" Walking up to me he placed a blue sweater in my hands, a red stain and a hole went through it. Falling to my knees I hold it tight while shaking violently on the floor. "(Y/n)?" Asriel tried to approach me but I looked up with tears streaming and eyes of yellow flaring like an open flame.

Frisk was sobbing on the floor mumbling how this was all their fault, but I looked to Asriel demanding answers on how this happen. "Betty showed up and tried to kill me, but Sans pushed me out the way and got impaled. I tried to fight her but Sans told me to get out of there... He told me to enjoy the future for him... And that he loved you." Standing up I pull Frisk up with me and give them a good shaking to get themselves out of that slump.

"Get your asses in gear... We have a war to prepare for... "

A/n: Sorry for all the feels, but I really do hope you enjoyed this! I love you all soo much <3 <3 <3  

Jae AWAY>>>>>>>>>>>> 

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